SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 2 Beyond Programs and Promises: Soul Realizations thru the Cosmic Eye; Purpose is not a One-and-Done; Embodiment of Purpose; Co-creating Soul Legacy

• Julie Suen • Season 1 • Episode 2

In this episode, Julie Suen explores the concept of soul purpose and shares her personal experience with enrolling in a spiritual/business program. She emphasizes that purpose is not a one-time accomplishment but an eternal unfolding process. 

Julie discusses the importance of aligning with the inner knowing of an unfolding and eternal purpose of the soul, and the pitfalls of seeking the one big thing. She recounts her misalignment with the program she joined and the realization that her purpose cannot be found outside of herself. 

Julie also delves into the Cosmic Eye and her realizations from her encounter, and how that led to her sacred remembering of our true essence. She highlights the role of creation and co-creation in fulfilling our purpose and the interconnected nature of existence. Julie concludes by encouraging listeners to dream and envision a big future.

Connect with Julie:
IG: @julie_suenshine

Aloha. Welcome to the first episide of the series, SHINE, 22 -minute Soul Purpose Activations. I welcome you here. I honor your presence. Thank you so much for listening in. I'll be starting off every episode with a very simple affirmation. This practice serves as a collective tuning fork to set up a unified feel for our energies.

Today, the affirmation that I want to start with is this, I am a living embodiment of my soul's purpose. Again, it's I am a living embodiment of my soul's purpose.

For as long as I can remember, I knew I had a mission here on this planet in this incarnation. And it wasn't until the past couple of years or so I started to really get to know what my purpose is.

Before then, I've always had this mental concept of what my purpose is and it kind of just changes over time depending on what's happening in my life. And it's been an unfolding process. And now I have a deep knowing that my purpose is not something to be found. It just is who I am.

For all of you who are awakening souls and my assumption is, you know, if not all, probably 99 % of you are who are listening to this show and some of you might even consider yourself as starseeds or you've connected to your cosmic lineage.

I know there is a common defining characteristic amongst us and it's this knowing. This knowing that we all came here for some special purpose and that it's a purpose that we bring forth not just for ourselves but for humanity and some of us for the universe. And you've always sensed that this is something big.

I know that many of us start our spiritual journeys looking for this one big thing. In this episode, I will share a personal experience with enrolling in a spiritual slash business program that promised to launch my purpose or legacy work. And I'm sharing this experience with you because it's brought about some soul realizations on purpose that you may too perhaps find resonance and...

Perhaps this will offer some insights on your soul's journey on purpose. So it starts with Egypt. A little over three years ago, I made my first sacred pilgrimage to Egypt. Egypt, when you intend for it to be a sacred pilgrimage, it

It can be mind -blowing, literally. And that's what happened when I went there. It was very activating, the sacred sites, the pyramids.

You know, there are times when I saw beings, like beings come out from the walls and speak with me in languages that I can't understand and in sacred geometries. This happened not just in temples but even in the hotels we stayed in. There was an experience in Sahara where I felt like I was...

punched really, really hard in the stomach, like so hard I couldn't even breathe. And then I cried for the next three days. And what unpacked was this really big piece of my soul came back in through my solar plexus. So these are exciting stories that I will share for another time.

But my point is after this magical journey, I became very activated and I came home with some gifts that were unfolding and I started to tap into the energies of the grids and the sacred sites. What was very significant was this desire to share my gifts was awakened and I was just tapping into these gifts, however, but there was this

yearning, oh I have to share these gifts and I have all these gifts I want to share with the world, but I didn't really know how to start doing that. Shortly after the trip, I connected with somebody through an online radio show and it was a spiritual radio talk show and for the purpose of this episode, I will call her Dani, although that's not her real name.

But yeah, I connected with her and I purchased a program with her where she offers this set of transmissions and she channels this Egyptian deity. And that was the first point of connection. I really want to work with this deity. And her program was a little bit pricey, but for whatever reason, they...

all her transmissions felt so activating for me that I was just so drawn to this energy, I didn't care, I joined the program. And basically, close to the ending of this program, which was like six weeks or something, there was an immediate offering to join another program, which costs five times as much. And on a certain level, it became clear to me that...

Okay, perhaps this was an upsell, but I was just so drawn to her energy at the time. And it wasn't just the energy. She called this more expensive offering a legacy building program. Now, the word legacy has a very significant meaning to me just because I am a state planning attorney. So I work with...

people's material legacy all the time. And it just really resonates with me. So her program was a spiritual legacy program where she was selling something that...

you can share what you came to do here in this lifetime and your legacy is your purpose and you can create programs just like hers and share your legacy. So the

Container starts with teaching you how to create a high price program. And then she'll guide you through to creating some smaller, like lower price offerings so that you can eventually upsell to this higher price program.

Alongside with that, you have your own publisher. You know, you'll work with this publishing company and then you can learn to channel this Egyptian deity with her and then you can channel your entire book and you can get it published and you get physical copies of this book and they'll help you promote it, etc, etc. All of this was just so appealing for me at that time because it just felt so one and done.

It's like a kind of one -stop shop for my sole purpose, for my spiritual legacy. Hey, I'm not going to argue with that. And one of the strongest selling points was she says, this is going to generate seven figures for you as a spiritual leader. And hey, I thought, I'm not going to say no to seven figure, seven figure income. Great. I joined the program.

So once I did, I started to listen to some of the audio files that were a part of this container. And these audio files were teaching me how to channel this Egyptian deity through her methodology. Right away, I just felt, uh -oh, this is totally not aligned. And we had scheduled a call for weeks later where we would meet

on zoom and and she will through her Egyptian deity and she will channel this deity and and we will get more clarification and create like a bigger vision on how I'm going to launch my legacy program through her container.

So I continued in spite of what I was starting to feel about the misalignment. I continue with the program. A really big part of that was I felt bad. I don't want to cancel our contract. Right off the bat, I had signed an agreement that she provided that there's no cancellations and...

you know, once you start the program, you're, you are responsible for paying all the, all the, the full costs. And, um, the crazy thing is I am a lawyer and looking back, I, I really questioned why I did that, but I guess, um, there's a part of me that wanted to separate my spirituality and my, um,

practicality and so anyways I yeah I just kind of had this like lingering feeling that this is not for me but at the same time I didn't know how to back out from from what I've agreed to and finally a few weeks later

the call that we scheduled arrived and it was going to start really early, 5 a .m. for me in the morning. And what happened was at 2 a .m. my hire guides literally kicked me out of bed. This is the first time they've ever done that. What happened was I was kind of waking up.

from the dream state and I started seeing all these visions and they were colors and wormholes and portals and sacred geometries and all of these things I can't really express in plain English because it wouldn't make sense anyways. But, you know, certain visions and anyways, the summation of all of these things that appeared in my inner visions.

was that they were showing me if you continue down this path you are going to be led somewhere you're not supposed to be and that my higher guides were basically pulling me away from that trajectory so I can end up where I'm supposed to be. And so what happened next after that fission was they they kicked me out of bed. I don't know how.

but I literally rode off the bed and onto the floor. And the next thing was, they were very clear. They communicated to me, go on your computer. And so I did, I went to another room and went onto my laptop and they guided me to go on Facebook. And then I got it. It was because they wanted me to message Danny on Facebook right at that moment.

And so I did, I messaged her and told her what happened, that my hire guides were telling me to not join her program essentially. And she was online and she responded right away. And we scheduled a call and we talked about it. And I decided to put on my lawyer's pants for that call.

And yeah, I got out of the contract. I did pay her a cancellation fee, but I did get out of the contract and I ended that program.

There was something very pivotal right after that conversation. Right after I got off the call with her, I decided to just close my eyes and kind of just anchor in because it felt like a lot had happened in a very short time span. I just closed my eyes, tuned in, and immediately what I saw in my inner vision is the Eye of Providence, the Cosmic Eye.

very very clearly was there and its presence was there so strongly I can feel it.

Without going into any information or research or anything you've heard about about the symbolism of this cosmic eye, I just want to focus on how I felt to apply to this experience. And what unpacked is that this cosmic eye was a reminder of a sacred remembering.

remembering that there is a higher knowing, a higher perspective that is within us. And it's all knowing, all seeing. And sometimes when we do things according to our will, like our human will and our logical mind, kind of what I did here, like if I do A and then B will happen and then C will happen.

we may not get to where we need to be. The Cosmic Eye reminded me that this is not how things work. That there is a mystery that is the undercurrent of our life and life in and of itself is a mystery. That is to me the divine, like what divine will is.

that our soul is always working with divinity because our soul is divinity in and of itself. And therefore our soul is to carry with it the divine will in everything that it does. What my own ego wanted to do may or may not be in alignment. And what I meant to create here as my soul's purpose, not my human, believed

purpose is already within this divine template that is overseen by this cosmic eye or cosmic perspective. And it's already written. It's written in the stars. It's written in my DNA.

So yeah, I want to unpack this a little bit more with you in the remainder of this episode. So the first thing I want to say is anything on our soul level operates with in this alignment and this alignment with this mystery and our soul purpose is not something that we can just have one and done.

It doesn't fit into any kind of program, any kind of system. No matter how much you pay, no matter how much the other person may be very spiritual that is providing this program, it just doesn't really unfold that way. Even if you attain a level of success or fulfillment of your sole purpose in these kinds of program, you have to understand that it's not that the program is doing it for you.

it's always been you and this program may just appear in your life to be a kind of an assistance and support but nothing can bring you to your soul purpose except for you. Our soul purpose is eternal and it's unfolding because our soul doesn't die right? Our soul is a consciousness that doesn't have a physical death.

So knowing that is...

is what brought me to the realization that our soul doesn't have the same definition of legacy as we do as humans. I want to bring us back to that point as we're thinking about our purpose that because it's not one and done, don't try to make it into this one thing. There's this...

misconception and distortion that there is a purpose that I have to accomplish and I have to accomplish in this life. And the truth is there's nothing you have to accomplish because the word accomplishment already comes with it in energetics of finality. And when you're talking about the energy of your soul, which is infinite and it doesn't, like I said, it doesn't have a physical death.

there is no finality to your purpose. I want to emphasize this point because so many of us look at purpose as something that we have to fulfill and fulfill also carries with it an energy of it being a task. Now your purpose is not a task. In fact, your purpose is many tasks and many experiences.

that you are here to experience and these experiences in and of itself are your purpose.

Let that sink in for a second. Your purpose is to experience.

So that brings me to a second point that I want to share a second realization about our purpose is that our purpose is not something that we can see from the outside because it has to be experienced. That is why I shared my story is because I went into this program with Danny with the mentality that I was going to go into this program and this person can channel for me and.

I'm paying her to get this clarity and these steps and she's going to give me these guided steps that's going to allow me to express my purpose. Now there's nothing wrong with any of it. There's nothing wrong with thinking that, there's nothing wrong with working with channels because I still work with them all the time and I love it and I love to channel myself. But going back to the subject of our sole purpose, because our sole purpose is not one and done.

Regardless of the clarity that you may receive at the moment from somebody else, which could be extremely helpful to knowing maybe your next steps and, you know, receiving some insights, all of it is not going to assist you with the experience component of your purpose. Your purpose has to be experienced and therefore embodied by you.

That is the only way you will gain a sense of inner knowing. And that is what I would actually call fulfillment in the context of soul purpose, not by mentally understanding, but by a full body knowing. And when you experience that, that is an indication that it's an understanding on a soul level.

I don't mean necessarily that you have to go through some kind of hardship or challenges. I mean, sometimes this does happen or you know, you have to go through like decades of spiritual training to experience that kind of soul realization. But it always does come from a firsthand body experience. Like looking at a flower could be one of these experiences. And...

I mean, I've had that and I look at a flower or a rainbow and zoom, you like all of a sudden receive a transmission. Actually, one day I was doing the dishes and all of a sudden I received this full body realization about God. So yeah, every realization you have on a soul level about your purpose is some kind of

full body experience like that. And finally, this point that I want to hone in on is about truly knowing your purpose. And other than experiencing it, it requires a form of creation.

And we're always creating. I have a two -year -old son who reminds me of this all the time, every moment. He's always expressing this inherent instinct to be creative. And he always reminds me to create with innocence because that's who we truly are. When we're children, we already carry this sense of what creation is.

and we're always creating and playing, creating and playing are basically synonymous. And there's no steps, there's no systems, there's no programs, nor a monetary incentive.

In our soul level creations, I want to remind us that nobody needs you to take on a specific role for them. Although you and I and all of us have a special mission here, but it's all in co -creation and coexistence. This unfolds into a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of our existence and creation.

which then leads to a question of when we're thinking about our purpose, who am I playing in this role? And what would that require others to be playing in their roles for this harmonious existence to unfold?

So for example, when you identify yourself as a healer or a teacher or any other kind of say archetype, it's not a role that's imposed upon you. If it is truly your sole purpose, it is an emanation of your true essence. So if you are a healer and many of us are really, just by embodying that presence,

By being the essence of wholeness, you become a catalyst for others to step into their wholeness. The key is to recognize that nobody needs you to play a specific role for their wholeness or healing. And this brings me back to the point of the monetary compensation part is sometimes we create with this incentive in mind and then we

justify that in saying, well, you know, because of my skills as say a healer, you know, I'm just running with this example, this example that I've been using. I'm just running with this example that I've been using here. You know, even if you're a very skilled healer, if you go in with the intention that,

This is my purpose and therefore I'm being compensated to heal people. That is not a true divine co -creation. That is more of your human ego justifying the compensation. I'm all for financial empowerment.

and I believe all way showers, healers, teachers of a spiritual path, they deserve to be compensated. Don't get me wrong. Is we just have to carry the right intention behind it.

Understanding this is crucial because at any point you believe others need you to attain something, for example wholeness, because you believe your purpose is to be a healer, you're contributing to a reality where some individuals will play that role. They will play those who need to be healed by others and doubt and lose their own abilities to be whole on their own.

In essence, our roles in this co -creative reality are not about filling gaps, but about shining our unique light, empowering others to always recognize and embrace their own uniqueness and their own wholeness.

Every thought is something that creates a quantum energy. Every thought we have is creating something. Every feeling we have is creating something. And it's not just creating for ourselves. We're putting that into the collective field. When we have an empowering thought of ourselves, we seed that into the collective field. When we seed it into the collective, we seed that for everyone else. Thoughts over time creates belief systems.

not just for ourselves, but also the collective. And at the same time, we're embedding these patterns into our cellular DNA, passing it on into future generations. I say this because that is a real legacy right there.

In my law job, you know, when I'm writing a legal document, I ask myself, what are the intentions I'm putting behind this document? Am I creating it with love and harmony? When a chef cooks a meal, the intentions and emotions that goes into the food gets passed on to those who are consuming the food. What about a farmer? A farmer who harvests food and gets distributed on a mass level.

How does this farmer's thoughts, emotions, and intentions become this farmer's legacy? The most beautiful thing is that knowing our souls are always in divine co -creation, we have the ability to always break the chain of anything that was created that is misaligned. So when the farmer or the chef seeded some unhappy thoughts into the food, okay, for example.

and you as the consumer can just bless the food with love. That is how you break the chain. Love always trumps everything else. With that said, I send love and appreciation to all of you.

I want to end this episode by leaving you with a suggestion to dream. My higher guides blessed me with this wisdom this morning. They asked me to look beyond everything I see in front of myself right now and dream of the most ecstatic, fearless, and biggest future you can imagine. What does that look like in a year?

in three years? What about 10 years? As always, I would love to hear from you, my listeners, with any comments or suggestions. Please review and rate this episode if you've enjoyed it and feel free to contact me through my website at any time.

In the next episode, I'm excited to be joined by Susan Taylor Shire, who is a highly established author, teacher, spiritual counselor, and intuitive healer. We will be discussing how to find purpose in everyday life, connect with our multidimensionality, abundance, and importance of embracing spiritual wealth. I also encourage you to visit my website to subscribe to the email list.

I will be sending gifts including guides, meditations and transmissions from myself and each of my guests on this show. They will be sent straight to your inbox after each episode. My website is juliesuen .com. I can't wait to be with you again next Thursday. Until then, aloha.