SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 3 Purpose Initiation: Suffering, Courage & Self-Love; Arcturian Blueprint Activation w/Gene Ang, Ph.D

Julie Suen Season 1 Episode 3

SPECIAL GIVEAWAY: visit for details on how to win a personal session of Arcturian Healing Light & Blueprint Activation with me!

Episode Summary:

In this Episode of SHINE!, Julie Suen interviews Dr. Gene Ang, a healer and facilitator of Arcturian healing transmissions. They begin with a Tibetan Buddhist mantra and meaning on suffering and how that unfolds on one's spiritual evolution. They discuss how suffering serves as an initiation to one's soul purpose. Gene shares his personal journey of awakening and how he transitioned from neuroscience in a prestigious work environment to energy healing, shamanism, and Arcturian healing. They discuss the importance of living on purpose and offer guidance for those on the path towards their soul purpose. The episode concludes with an experience of Arcturian Blueprint Activation transmissions.


- Suffering is a part of the human experience and can be a catalyst for one's soul purpose and spiritual evolution.
- Awakening to one's soul purpose often involves a shift in perspective and a recognition of what truly matters.
- Living on purpose feels natural and effortless, and it is a continuous process of self-discovery and alignment.
- Guidance for finding soul purpose includes acknowledging one's courage, practicing self-love, and embracing the dynamic nature of the soul journey.


00:00 Introduction and Mantra
01:36 Exploring the Mantra
04:05 Understanding Suffering and Soul Purpose
07:02 Personal Journeys and Awakening
12:31 From Energy Healing to Arcturian Healing
16:52 Living on Purpose
17:33 Guidance for Finding Soul Purpose
20:20 Experiencing Arcturian Healing Transmissions
25:04 Closing Remarks

Please visit Gene’s website to learn more about Gene Ang, and join his newsletter to receive updates on all his magical offerings and sacred pilgrimage/travel opportunities! I am a huge fan of his classes and transmissions.

Connect with Julie:
IG: @julie_suenshine

Julie Suen (00:03)
Welcome to another episode of Shine, 22-minute soul purpose activations. Thank you for being here. Today, I'm very happy and honored to have one of my healing teachers, Jean Eng, with us as a guest on the show today. With every episode, I like to lead in with

a mantra. So I'm going to put Gene on the spot and ask him if he has a mantra he wants to share with us to start off the show.

Gene Ang (00:45)
Oh, that's great. Well the one that's coming to mind is actually Tibetan Buddhist mantra. It's in Sanskrit. But

I'll just say it and then kind of explain maybe a portion of it or we can say it a couple times. But it's a Tyata om Bikanza maha Bikanza Ranza Somagatte Soha. I'll just say it one more time. Tyata om Bikanza maha Bikanza Ranza Somagatte Soha. That was one of my inspirations, the Medicine Buddha initially.

and still now getting onto the spiritual path. But I don't know if you want me to stop there and can go from there or if you find me to unpack it a little bit more.

Julie Suen (01:36)
Yeah, I'm really feeling the energy of it. So first, would you lead us into it? And then so we could repeat after you and then if you wish we can unpack a little bit more about this mantra.

Gene Ang (01:48)
Oh, sure, sure. Okay, I'll say a couple words and then give some space for the repetition. So it's Om Tayata Om Bakanza.

Julie Suen (01:55)


Gene Ang (02:03)
the cancer.

and then you say it again, Bacanza.

Julie Suen (02:09)
The Kenza.

Gene Ang (02:11)
Maha Bikanza.

Julie Suen (02:13)

Gene Ang (02:15)


Julie Suen (02:21)
Some look at that.

Gene Ang (02:23)

Julie Suen (02:25)

Gene Ang (02:30)

Julie Suen (02:31)
Yeah, no, thank you. Okay. That's beautiful. So thank you for tuning us into that.

Is there anything else you want to share about that mantra before we move on to introducing you as our speaker today?

Gene Ang (02:53)
Yeah, the Bikānsa is actually, the word means suffering. So they repeat it three times. So it's suffering and then suffering and then great suffering, the Maha. Many people know that term. And just as a way people who get inspired to be facilitators of healing, which the Medicine Buddha would be an example of someone as a being dedicated to.

helping suffering on kind of all different planets, particularly this one. And the first level of suffering is what we usually think of, like people who might be in the hospital or if we have an illness. The second suffering is the suffering of change. So anything that changes, there's this sense that we like to kind of keep things status quo or the way they are, particularly if it's pleasurable. And then the great sufferings actually are what they call conditioned.

existence, sort of this idea that we're not aware that we're interconnected. We sort of sometimes see ourselves as separate would be one level of understanding of that.

Julie Suen (04:05)
Yeah, for someone who is searching for a soul purpose, and I definitely feel like I've been on that journey. And at times it does feel like a suffering of not knowing of like this yearning and

struggle to be like, you know, why am I here? And some people may even link that to their vocational paths and, you know, really spending time majority of their days in, you know, a job or a career and maybe they don't feel like their soul resonates with that. Would you frame it as one of these sufferings?

Gene Ang (05:04)
Yes, definitely any of the extra three. And then I think as one gets deeper into understanding sort of their existence and sort of how they're interacting with this sort of kind of beautiful playground that we call sort of this physical dimension, the sort of learning school. I think all three levels sort of are really touched on. And maybe that then also helps us to understand that sort of everyone.

all beings are in that same situation. And then it kind of turns outward and maybe a sense of compassion towards what others are going through.

Julie Suen (05:49)
Did you go through a process like that in your own path?

Gene Ang (05:54)
Yeah, well, you know, I was in science, in neuroscience, and one of the big shifts was I was in a lab of a fairly, you know, sort of famous neuroscientists, and it was actually a couple. His wife was also equally famous and, you know, had made major discoveries, and she was hit by a car, like just randomly, and died.

And I think that within a couple weeks, I went actually to a Medicine Buddha initiation. And that I think was the sort of the shift into healing in a formal way. Of course, like science is also a way of healing. And I think that sense of the suffering, the first level obviously was there.

but also the suffering of change in particular, which we sometimes can call death or impermanence was really kind of brought home in a big way.

Julie Suen (07:02)
Yeah, so really quickly going back to Jean's background, just going to briefly introduce Jean. So Jean has a PhD from Yale in neurobiology, and Jean is a healer, as well as facilitating

times Jean has led sacred pilgrimage to some very magical places around this planet. And I actually met Jean the first time here in Hawaii when he facilitated in death and dying class.

It was actually not the death and dying. Although I did take that one. It was the one where we did psychopump. So that's my first time being introduced to Jean's work.

Death really has a way of bringing us into focus of what is really important. I like to share for myself...

That's actually my awakening as well, is I was a junior attorney for this insurance firm. And I noticed how I was really disconnected, starting to disconnect as a result of my practice of quantifying people's injuries, quantifying people's lives with a monetary number. And I asked God, I asked the universe for something to wake me up

felt what I was doing and everything around me just felt so wrong at that moment. And it was immediately the next day when I saw a brochure lining up at Starbucks in the morning that led me to do a fundraising marathon for people who are dying of cancer of leukemia. And I didn't know what I was signing up for. I was actually still a smoker at that time. And it was through meeting

um these people that I was training for this marathon with um they all had loved ones that died from cancer or um one of them I remember he was going to chemotherapy in between our running sessions and that's what connected me again to oh wow okay our life is not quantifiable

You know, there's something really important here. I remember there was this boy who would come in and like kind of inspire us while we're training and stuff. He was five and he died. You know, by the end of the training, he didn't make it.

I think that really shook me. Like, you know, I'm going to work with these partners who are, you know, in their sixties and whatever. And we're here like doing this grind, like in this law firm. And then here's this little kid that's just so alive, so alive. And his life was five years.

Yeah, so that was yeah, really the first spark of my awakening process. Tell me what sparked yours.

Gene Ang (10:48)
Yeah, I had a kind of very similar, thanks for that beautiful story sharing, but a similar, you know, just to finish that process after my, we call them the PI or physical, principal investigators wife passed, it was a recognition that yes, kind of life is short, you know, we have limited time.

and kind of need to focus on what really matters. And perhaps that is this link to the soul purpose, if you could say, you know what, and not sort of keep delaying it and being around the bush, so to speak, and maybe doing things that really didn't have that kind of full fire for and passion for, or maybe doing something for something else, you know, some later goal.

And so that was a bit of a turning point and it led me, cause I was always really interested in healing, not necessarily physical based healing, but I was trying to fit this purpose of healing into something I think was respectable, which was of course would be medicine, science, sort of to the outer world. And so that worked and for what it was worth, but it wasn't really fully.

I think in alignment, if you would say, with my soul purpose or where I really felt very connected. So that's why I started to explore things that I really had a passion for and which led me to that Medicine Buddha retreat, which was sort of more kind of what I was really inspired by, if you want to call it soul or spiritual healing, energy healing.

Julie Suen (12:31)
Yeah, and I know that now your focus, I guess, quote focus is on Arcturian healing transmissions. Would you say that's kind of your key healing modality?

Gene Ang (12:50)
Oh yes, I would say that would be kind of like the full time focus now.

Julie Suen (12:57)
What spawned that?

Gene Ang (12:59)
Yeah, that was an evolution, you know, I would say, you know, kind of in a nutshell, it went from energy healing, you know, after that medicine Buddha retreat, I started to go to various energy healing trainings. And that was like a bridge to then maybe more spiritual practices, particularly like shamanic practices. And what opened up then was also this sort of cosmic dimension, maybe like star dimension.

which led to focusing or exploring this idea of Arcturian energies and beings, which I would say is kind of in the same realm of spiritual beings like angels, but a little bit on the more cosmic or star kind of flavor.

Julie Suen (13:50)
Would you consider yourself a star being?

Gene Ang (13:53)
Uh, yeah. Yeah, I guess. Yeah, I would have to say that would be, um, try pretty accurate.

Julie Suen (14:05)
I've heard the story before but I would love to get you to share on it briefly. How did you get connected to the Archerians?

Gene Ang (14:14)
Yeah, that was also kind of something from a subconscious to conscious, semi-conscious to conscious. Probably the source or one of them was I read a book before I started my graduate work by Joshua David Stone. I was just interested in the more general spiritual aspect of it, but he does mention in there, and then as I explored him later, that there's these various beings awakened

he called them maybe star or cosmic beings, and he listed a number of them. And I didn't have any frame of reference for it, so it kind of almost just went into my subconscious. But I think that was an initial transmission. He mentioned the Arcturians and Pleiadians and Syrians. And then nine years later, as I was taking these healing trainings, I kind of heard an intuitive voice that said I was Arcturian. And then it was just kind of a random afternoon.

my kitchen actually, and I didn't even remember where I had consciously read that word until kind of backtracking. And so then moving forward, I was always keeping that in mind and then maybe guided to these, you know, over maybe three or four years to these various ways to kind of explore what that meant.

Julie Suen (15:36)
How were you invited to start these transmissions?

Gene Ang (15:43)
Yeah, it was interesting. Well, one of those ways was through shamanic, like a shamanic training. So I eventually connected to the Arcturians consciously through shamanic journeying, which maybe people in the audience are familiar with or practice themselves, or, you know, could be looked up. It's just a way to work with non-physical realities, you know, by altering your state of consciousness. And there's other ways to do it, like meditation and maybe...

active imagination. And so from there, someone asked at who also was Arcturian based asked if I would be willing to like do just an evening program on the Arcturians. And that sort of opened it up to like being sort of creating a space for that energy and consciousness to come through for healing purposes. And that sort of spawned the kind of this focus on really a connection to

healing energies that allow us, like the theme of this podcast, to kind of reconnect to our soul, our soul mission, you know, who we are.

Julie Suen (16:52)
Do you feel like you're on purpose?

Gene Ang (16:56)
Yeah, I feel really natural when I'm doing this work. And, you know, like I mentioned now, it's kind of more really 100% focused on healing or some aspect of helping others through kind of energy or frequency work. So it feels very natural, not very effortful. Like it doesn't take a lot of grinding.

I'm not sure if we use that word, but so they're just coming naturally out of me. So I guess I would say the affirmative on.

Julie Suen (17:33)
For somebody who's seeking for their soul purpose, at any part of their journey, at any level of that word, do you have a piece of guidance that you would like to share?

Gene Ang (17:50)

Oh, yeah. Well, first, I think, you know, to acknowledge their courage, courage for, you know, seeking that because, you know, they're like I was mentioning, you know, this sort of trying to fit in to something that was more accepted, which is very noble, I think, to be in medicine or biomedicine and research. But and so some people, that is their sole purpose. But I was sort of not quite aligned to that.

And so I understand what it means to kind of maybe have to take oneself out of, or at least pause to focus and address it consciously, you know, what is my true calling and mission or desire, you know, from a higher, more natural place. So I think that acknowledgement of our courage to do that is the first, maybe, I guess.

piece of advice is just that self-love. And then like we were mentioning before, before we started, that it's sort of like a process rather than a one and done, like recognition that kind of it's dynamic and everyday brings sort of a new, I kind of look at like the physical world, like I mentioned, like a beautiful classroom, you know, playground where we're able to learn things by interacting with people here, beings here.

and experiences here. So second would be that it's a process that is always gonna be something we're adjusting to, much like a plane adjust to a location by slight changes in his course, or like a GPS kind of always telling us maybe if we went this way, then we can go this way to kind of stay on course.

Julie Suen (19:45)
Yeah, so our purpose is a sacred and magical pilgrimage in and of itself.

Gene Ang (19:51)

Julie Suen (19:53)
Yeah, so we have a few minutes left and I don't know if that's sufficient time for us to maybe experience, you know, for those who have not experienced the Archerian energies that you share through your healing light transmissions. Can you share that with us even just, you know, with a few minutes time? Yeah.

Gene Ang (20:20)
Yeah, yeah, you know, there's various frequencies are codified so far. And of course, just connecting with the Arcturians, you don't really need that codification. But there's one kind of maybe appropriate, it's called Arcturian Blueprint Activation. It sort of connects us to our Soul Blueprint. So people, a lot of people here are probably familiar with receiving energies. But if you are new to it, I'll just sort of kind of start the process. I'm usually kind of in a meditative state.

But I'll say you know that the energies are starting and maybe say this Arterium Blueprint activation is starting and then you can just see what you feel. It will be like two or three minutes.

Julie Suen (21:00)
That's great. Thank you, Jean.

Gene Ang (21:02)
Okay, all right. Yeah, so if you wanted to set your intention for the energies, maybe it's just to be open to all the great possibilities, or maybe you're trying to manifest your soul mission in a very specific or general way, connecting to it. Or maybe it's abundance and prosperity on all levels. Yeah, so we're starting the opening of the Arcturian.

Blueprint activation frequency.

I'm usually silent as it's coming across and you can just tune in to what you feel or notice.

continuing to channel a deeper level of the Arcturian Blueprint activation.

This frequency helps us to align to our divine blueprint or information about what's most in alignment with our soul path or life path.

And finally we're entering a third deeper cycle.

Maybe you can, if you like, enjoy the stillness. Not necessarily.

holding on to any particular thought or feeling.

And that brings the session to a close and you can just gently come back to your physical body.

And when you feel comfortable, you can open your eyes and snap your fingers.

Julie Suen (24:43)
I feel my thoughts, my thoughts are cleared immediately from that transmission. That's the first thing I want to share. But it's a very potent transmission and I've received it before. Yeah.

I hope our listeners enjoyed that transmission and I will definitely include in the show notes additional information on how one may work with gene if you are interested. I like to remind all listeners that if you go onto my website www.juliesuen, suen is spelled S-U-E-N dot com.

dates, as well as gifts from our guests from every episode going straight to your email inbox and additional information on these speakers.

So I'd like to thank Jean. Thank you so much for being here with us today. And thank you listeners. And I look forward to connecting with you again next Thursday on Shine 22 minutes, you know, approximately 22 minutes. So purpose activations, aloha.