SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep.4 Unleashing Your Soul's Song with Susann Taylor Shier: Orchestrating Purpose & Potential; Manifesting New Realities; Embody New Earth Frequencies; Nurturing Children of Parallel Realms (with "Autism", "ADD", etc.)

Julie Suen Season 1 Episode 4

Episode Summary: In this episode of SHINE!, Julie Suen dives deep into a transformative conversation with Susann Taylor Shier, a renowned spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and author. Together, they explore the depths and parallel realms of the soul and discuss how to unlock the boundless potential within each of us to manifest new realities for ourselves, and into the energies of New Earth. Susann shares invaluable insights into the soul's blueprint, parallel universes, and the art of manifestation, offering practical wisdom for listeners to embark on their own soulful journey of self-discovery and alignment.

Key Highlights:

Orchestrating Life's Possibilities: Susann sheds light on the soul's blueprint and how aligning with one's soul purpose can lead to the manifestation of dreams and desires.

Exploring Parallel Realms: Delving into the fascinating realm of parallel universes, Susann elucidates how these dimensions influence our soul's journey on Earth and opens doors to infinite possibilities and New Earth.

Manifestation and Dreaming Bigger: With practical insights, Susann guides listeners on how to expand their capacity for manifestation and embrace a life filled with unlimited potential and abundance.

Supporting Children with Special Abilities: Susann shares her wisdom on understanding and supporting children labeled with special abilities, emphasizing the importance of recognizing their unique gifts and connections on their soulful journey.


00:00 - Introduction
01:23 - Soul's Blueprint
05:12 - Parallel Realms
10:47 - Manifestation Insights
15:36 - Supporting Special Children
20:09 - New Beginnings
22:45 - Special Offer
23:58 - Conclusion

Resources: Explore more of Susann Taylor Shier's transformative work and subscribe to her email community for free resources and updates on upcoming offerings at Susann's website.

Special Offer: As a token of gratitude, Susann has provided an exclusive gift for SHINE! listeners. Download the E-guide "Ignite Your Unique Soul Purpose and Practical Magic" along with an empowering MP3 "Practical Magic for Proven Ways to Boost Your Intuitive Superpower" here.

Additional Notes: Join Julie Suen for a Soul Mastery Session with Susann Taylor Shier to delve deeper into your soul's journey and upgraded manifestations. This Podcast SHINE! is dedicated to your Soul Purpose.  Visit Julie Suen's website for more details.

Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation with Susann Taylor Shier. Listen to the full episode [here](insert link). Thank you for being a part of SHINE! If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to SUBSCRIBE and REVIEW on your favorite listening platform or on YouTube. Until next Thursday – Aloha!

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IG: @julie_suenshine

Julie Suen  0:04  
Aloha everyone. Welcome to another episode of shine 22 minute sole purpose activation. Today I am delighted to have one of my teachers, actually is Susan Taylor Shire with us today, Susan, amongst other things, she is the founder of soul mastery, and a highly established internationally acclaimed author, spiritual counselor, intuitive healer, and medium. Susan and I, we're actually in a class right now that's being facilitated by her. And I am just loving this class. It's such a foundation on kind of how our soul works. And I've actually never been interested in accessing the Akashic records before I enrolled in this class. But I love the way she teaches, how to access the Akashic records, because the way that she fertility facilitates it. It's so expansive. And it's, and it's so aligned with kind of how I, I like to do things just not very step by step, or linear, and it's just like, she just kind of like puts you in this field and assume you're there. And so without further ado, here is Suzanne. Welcome. Is there anything else you would like to add to the introduction? Oh, no,

Susan  1:45  
Julie, that was beautiful. Thank you so much. Thank you. Yeah, we can do any kind of meditation, whatever we want. Whenever we want to today, it's infinitely possible, whatever we want to do. But thank you for that beautiful introduction.

Julie Suen  2:00  
Yes. Oh, that's so beautiful. Whatever we want to do. Isn't that like, what our souls came here to do? Yeah. So every episode, I like to kind of set up an energetic field for all of us. So today is not an exception. What I'm really feeling at this moment is this line that you actually have no on your website with your bio. So I'm going to start this episode with a kind of a mantra or invocation. And this is coming from Susan. And it is this. My soul's journey is my song. And my life is my dance. My soul's journey is my song. And life is my dance

it's so beautiful because our soul and whatever this life's reality is showing us at every moment is this inter woven co creation and are so obviously is a integral part of that. And then the way you're saying life is my dance. Tell us more about this dance. Yeah, it's a song is with buyers soul. What else is is, you know, what else? Are these components inside this dance of life?

Susan  3:46  
Great, great question. Gets my creative juices going for sure. So I want to start with my, my soul is my song. When you think of your song, right? You go immediately to your heart, you can't be in touch with a song without engaging your heart. And breathing wise when you sing. It takes that what they call chest voice, but also the you know, deep breathing from the abdomen, as well as what they call I've learned a few things like the head voice. So the song of your soul is the universal song coming in through your heart and the depth of you being sung here. Allowing it to be alive through a special your heart and the dance is well what are you dancing with? You're dancing with that soul of creation. You're allowing your soul and all it knows how to create which is pretty much everything at a soul level, dancing it into life, because I always say that enlightenment is being in love with Life itself. And that is the dance. That's the momentary dance. And the it's not that's coming at us, you know how we say life got in the way? Well, it's never life that gets in the way. It's a resistance to life it gets in the way of the flow of life, which is ever changing the dance of life is that flow of life coming through us that our soul orchestrates? That's another question that the soul orchestrates in the moment to bring forth certain experiences. Yeah, but but we can, yeah, we could talk about that piece. And there's different

Julie Suen  5:39  
elements in that. And so there's the orchestration, our soul orchestrated like you said, and if you, you mentioned, it's, it's a dance here, so meaning on Earth, right. So that implies our soul could have been from other places. Perfect question. And I mean, you. You're, you're kind of an expert in that, so I have to bring. Yeah, so let's, let's go back into the orchestration part. What is the soul? What does the soul I mean, consider, I don't know if that's a good word. But But how does this soul assemble this orchestration? Yeah.

Susan  6:34  
As to get all the orchestra members together and the instruments and all of that, yeah, pretty magically. But I know there's always a question of did the soul, your soul, a person's soul set all of this up? To start with and go, Okay, we got the blueprint, we got it aligned, here's the box, you take that box within you and you play that play that box, you know, turn the box on, like a robot, the minute you come into life, and you play that box, and it plays itself, and you just let it roll. I don't actually believe that the soul works like that. It has a particular blueprint of possibility, and strength, and of connection to what it wants. Well, what is best at a soul level? Right? So one of my best acts is being a cheerleader. Okay, yes, I was a cheerleader in high school, for sure. And I'm always got my soul level pom poms with me, that is something that's inherent to who I am. Right? So I have these particular soul gifts and strengths that I bring with me and say, Yeah, I love bringing that here. This is a way that I will bring my soul through. Okay, but there's a massive amount of free choice isn't there? That's the beauty of planet Earth. And why a soul came to planet earth is for the adventure of the tree choice of the six senses. Sixth, the sixth sense being, you know, intuition. So it's like, okay, what do we get to experience? We you, your soul, and all that's connected to guidance, etc? What do we get to experience in a physical capacity for conscious revelation of spirit? That's the earth plane, dynamic blueprint, you might say, or existence here. So when you have that available, what do I want to create in every moment? With that fundamental, soulful engagement of strengths, put together with what do I want to create? So everything is wide open? And what is my strength that I want to bring here to make that the greatest gift and ease of movement possible? So for instance, I'm a cheerleader. If someone under se would say, Well, you know, somebody else's sole strength might be to be, let's see. Like a, like a nerd, we'll just say, you know, a nerd, great, tons of great, fantastic people that can just sort of translate it and figure it out and come up with codes and do all this digitally. And there are, then there are people who just bring their spirituality through walking the land. And then there are people who bring their spirituality through having children. You know, being a nurse, whatever it is, but it's not just the fact that you're a nurse that that's your soul contract. It's the What you bring it through that capacity. So we have, I'm going on and on and on in our 22 minutes, but we have lots of possibility, but certain strengths and purposes. And that's what I love to bring to people is a greater understanding of your strengths and gifts and purposes. So you can live from those places. Yeah,

Julie Suen  10:20  
I love that. Because it, it, it emphasizes the point that our sole purpose is not this one thing. And right, and it's, there are certain determinants that are already in place as to, you know, what we could really excel at, and what our soul would prefer to do. But then there's all these other things that are also at play. You know, for example, your higher guides, and the dance of spirits. Can you really quick, explain what the difference between spirit and soul is?

Susan  10:58  
Oh, sure. Spirit is the vastness of all. Everything. Your soul is the aspect of spirit that has the capacity to be individuated aspect of spirit that has in the Akashic Records has a, a path or has a life within the vastness of spirit.

Julie Suen  11:22  
Yeah, and then, of course, you know, sometimes we can be in our lower elements, such as our ego, or we get stuck in our mind. I mean, that happens, you know, as a human being, we have all of these faculties. And then when we also incorporate that part of ourselves into the decision making process, then that gets wrapped up in there, as well, right? Yeah,

Susan  11:46  
it's good, or the bad of the mind, whatever, yeah, whatever.

Julie Suen  11:49  
I mean, it's all part of this beautiful dance that is here. I've been geeking out talking about geeking out on your books. So mastery, what I find really fascinating about this book, like, I'm not one to be kind of tracking down my star seed lineage or anything like that. Not very practical, in a sense to like, kind of, like narrow down myself to be a certain star seed. But this book is different. Because the focus is not on necessarily labels, but it's presenting all these possible systems that are soul maybe from systems are family. And, and I really resonate with one of them that you've explained in this book. And it's the idea of the parallel, that we're not we're not even labeling this one here. This is, you know, infinite universes. So, yeah, tell us more about how you've learned about the soul groups, and how these soul groups touch on our purpose here on Earth. Okay,

Susan  13:16  
great. You know, I'm not a very woowoo person, you, you know, in my, in my own sense of who I am, I'm not I don't feel like a woowoo person. But I have for the last 30 years, and plus been talking about these universal dimensions of us, these parallel universes, these advanced soul levels things and I'm like, Really, I talk about,

Julie Suen  13:44  
like, therapy background, right?

Susan  13:46  
Yeah, I have a therapy background, but I'm just, you know, at many, you know, I, I'm a sailor, also, you know, there's a lot of things I'm interested in. But it's not that I'm scattered. It's just, this is what I call practical information, because it's what I live from, not reached to. So if someone is from parallel existences, for instance, what that opens up for that person, and the world at large, is very significant. Because a person from parallel universes is living in the field of infinite creation. And in essence, that's their gift is being able to bring that sense of anything is possible to create in a physical capacity for creation. Now, we've talked in the last number of years about manifestation here a lot that's finally opening up and those who are from parallel universes now manifesting, of course, everything we put our attention on just creates, doesn't it? Isn't that what it's supposed to do? It's natural for them. It's very natural. And that's a huge gift. And we need that gift here. So part of what I do is to help people bridge those larger dimensions that they exist in that are their gifts and strengths. Bridge that here and body it here. So those incredible dimensions can be alive and well on planet earth. Because even parallels have a feeling that they're holding the New Earth. Right? The way it can be the perfect pristine way it can be if you hold that in your heart, if you hold that in your body to be a reality here, guess what? It starts to manifest, it gets created and then manifests. Okay, so we want that. We definitely want that. That. So that's why I get in touch with working with various people from these various realms, is to help bring those dimensions here. I want that here. Our playground here. Yeah.

Julie Suen  16:02  
Yeah. As someone who relates to that, who resonates with being from different places, and star systems, how do we bring it more into here? How do we anchor these parallel energies into our daily lives?

Susan  16:21  
Yeah. So when you're aware of your parallel nature, like, when I say to you as a soul, you're connected to infinite possibilities. You can immediately feel Yeah, I am. Again, I've been working with people for a long time. And I go, Yeah, I am. feel that sensation within you. Deep within it's been awakened by my mention of it. Wow. Yes, I am. Feel that in the larger expansive view, I can feel that now. It's sort of like, whoa, I'm connected to infinite creation. Feel that essence, that energy? And start to breathe that into your heart and go, Ah, yes, I am. And I want to bring it here. And I want it to be part of my heart field here. And then you bring it further into your body to have that feeling of Yes, that's true for me here. Because often, the wound of separation, which is what I call the only one there is says, oh, yeah, I'm aware that anything's possible. But it's not possible on planet Earth. Forget that. I've had too many signs and experiences that say, nope, nope, nope, I am not part of that. But we want to bring that back in again. So you can go, Well, I guess I am on tie. Only because I choose to bring it in. And now I know how. Yep.

Julie Suen  17:51  
That's so beautiful. So we can do this, you know, doesn't matter if you're washing the dishes or sweeping. Just bring it in this. This is what we're here to do. Exactly, not just cleaning from it. Speaking of that, creating from this space, yeah. Infinite Possibilities. Tell us how we can dream bigger and create bigger.

Susan  18:27  
Hmm. Well, again, the first step is connecting to these dimensions of you. And if you dream for something, dream on something, dream for something, dream about something, it's because your soul is activating it in you. Right? It wouldn't be a dream. If it wasn't, you know, dream is sort of that energy, that larger energy field is all I dream up, you're in that expanded space of yourself. So to make that real, again, you bring that expanded nature of that dream. I wish to have a child, what's the quality of spirit that you dream of? When you say, I wish to have a child, you will have that sensation in you up? What that brings you. Right? What will that bring you? So first, you're going to focus on what that dream would bring me that quality of spirit because it may be love it met whatever. I'm not even going to name all the million things that a child you could imagine a child would bring you. Then you struck a hole that in your heart and in your abdomen, your womb space for creation. Oh, yes, this is what a child would bring me. I can feel that in myself as a sensation, not an emotion, or sensation. And when I feel that in myself, wow. That's called manifestation From your Soul, bringing it in, and you've got all the universe that your soul is connected to, which it is, the soul is connected to everything everywhere, supporting you and making that dream come true. I happens to be the theme of my second book. What do you know?

Julie Suen  20:18  
Oh, I love that. Yes. So holding that sensation within you, and then also the quality of spirits, okay,

Susan  20:29  
you desire you dream of. So for

Julie Suen  20:33  
example, if I have a dream of, I actually came up with this this morning, I was like, Oh, I would really love to do that. I would love to build a number of wells, like clean water wells for places that don't have clean water access. So then the sensation would be like, abundance, right? And then like harmony, and and then so if I was if I was in a male body, I don't necessarily have a womb, it will still be from the same area in my body. Right? Exactly.

Susan  21:07  
Exactly. That it's a womb space for all creation. Yep.

Julie Suen  21:13  
Yeah. And then I just hold that I don't have to think about the details of you know how I can actually build these wells or whatever. But I just hold that sensation within.

Susan  21:24  
Mm hmm. That's your first step. But the second step is, so what is like going to create? What will that create in me, right to have those wells that you want to bring? Oh, I would feel like a million dollars or whatever it is, you start to hold that as well. You hold that. And then you do some specifics, to let that what you want to hold to be true. At the you know, the end result, you start to get except you'll get more excited and inspired to do the action to get take it there. Because it's like, oh, I'm going to build this creative, universally, unit universal creation, which is much more exciting than God, I'd love to build some wealth. I don't know. I don't know where to start and who to do it with. And yeah, we get lost. And we stop. Yeah.

Julie Suen  22:19  
Okay. Well, that's an important component of it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there's the the, like, actual inspired action, and then it's that co creative like with the universal component. Okay. Wow, thank you for that. Yeah. Yes. So you mentioned that you have this other book as well, that talks more about manifestation which one is that?

Susan  22:50  
It's called Soul radiance, bring your soul riches to life.

Julie Suen  22:56  
I've got to read that one. And I noticed you had an email come into my inbox this morning about a book sale. That's how I, for the rest of this month. So I'm going to attach links to Susan's website for those who are interested. I do love her books. And if you do you mind showing us a cover of your soul mastery book because I find that very activating in and

Susan  23:23  
maybe my first baby, first child, so access the gifts of your soul, that's really what I have been interested in all these years. And if you put your attention on that Nebula, it will take you places to your soul. I told ya,

Julie Suen  23:48  
birth baby children, okay, this this kind of like bubbled up during a conversation. Yeah, I have a two year old kind of screaming in the background, as well as we're recording. I have heard you say this before that children that are special, and sometimes we labeled them as you know, autistic, attention deficit. And I mean, just even within my circle of friends, I know that they have children that have these labels. Yeah, tell us more about their connection to other soul realms.

Susan  24:30  
Yeah. I have found for a long time that these because parents will talk to me about their children. But when you really tap into who these beings are at a soul level, it started with Down syndrome. Children long time ago, you know, you feel their hearts are so effing pure. Oh my gosh, it's just amazing. And I had a brother or who was developmentally disabled. And he had this incredible heart as well. And I went what's going on with these kids that are so beautiful, autistic children these days, there's a lot of them coming in, because they are connected to parallel universes, for sure. That's their gift. But their weaknesses, they haven't done a lot of incarnations here. They don't understand just like, Down syndrome, they don't understand the human existence, because it's, it's all fairly new to them. So we try to jam them into this program, so to speak of being a good human. You know, you're autistic, you need to be a good human. Instead of going, Wow, you've got incredible PS. It's like savant geniuses and things like that. They have these incredible gifts. Will they ever function like the normal human? Thank God? No, because they're showing us new ways of being. And we're all fairly, you know, worn out with trying to be good humans, which is not working. Because this three dimensional realm just in and of itself without our soulfulness singing is pretty harsh, sad, and not easy to live in. Yeah. Yeah. Is part of that as well? Absolutely. Sounds of Yeah, being able to operate very quickly. Right? Just manifests boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. And it's like, well, you guys slow down. It's like, why? You got to get things going here. I

Julie Suen  26:39  
have a bit of that, I'm sure.

Susan  26:43  
Yeah, and it's okay. We have to get things rolling out

Julie Suen  26:46  
about it. Exactly. You Yeah. And I wouldn't be surprised if my my child has a bit of that, too. Yeah, what? What would your wisdom be to share with any parents or caretakers? Or even those who have any kind of connection with children with special abilities or connections? Like, like them? I don't, I mean, I don't even I don't even put a label on it. It's just that I'm Yeah, children nowadays are different. There's, there's no question. Yeah, yeah,

Susan  27:25  
there's gonna be more and more of them. First of all, don't medicate them, to try to get them to calm down, understand them. They're trying to communicate at other levels. And they're screaming, because they need to communicate at other levels. Because they don't, they don't want it. They don't want to communicate the way we do. So they're trying to get their larger dimensions. Understood. So when you speak with them and be with them, it causes you to have to expand your sense of a compassion, the your sense of understanding heart and see your sense of what what is this about, which gets you into that larger space in yourself that we, I described earlier. When you commune with them, from that level that they know how to bring forth, then they go, Oh, I feel understood and they will calm down. It's about communion, not trying to get them into a box, so to speak, to start with, and maybe they need some homeschooling, you know, small ones, definitely will claim to their parents, because the world feels so scary to them, because it's so out of their vibration, and you just have to go that's okay. That's what I'm here for is to usher them in Oh, yeah. Not to get get rid of them too soon. airmail and work with Yeah,

Julie Suen  28:56  
and that is such a beautiful reflection on how we may also treat our inner children, which is really right, the spark of our souls, we have all these unique things and they might be completely weird. But these are our souls aspects that do not fit into a box here in the old kind of paradigms of what a human should be doing or being exactly and we, whatever ways we can let those aspects of ourselves sing. Right. So that we can bring more of who we truly are here on this planet. Yes, exactly. Thank you so much, Suzanne, for being with us today. Really enjoy your presence. It's you always bring such expansiveness with you. Okay, and thank you listeners for being With us, I really appreciate you all. I will be sharing Susan's information for those who are subscribed to my email list, you will receive information on how to work with her. And not only that Susan has provided us with a generous gift. And it is an E guide called ignites your unite unique sole purpose and Practical Magic. And it also comes with an mp3. And this mp3 is a Practical Magic for proven ways to spark accelerate or boost, or step up your intuitive superpower. This sounds like a fantastic gift. So I'll be I'll be sending that to all of my subscribers and if you haven't subscribed yet, Oh, easy. Just go on my website. Julie Thank you again, Susan. And until next week, Aloha everyone.