SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 5 Everyday Sacredness: Path of Reclaiming Our Cosmic Essence & Organic Evolution with Viviane Chauvet, Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar

• Julie Suen • Season 1 • Episode 5

In this conversation, Julie Suen interviews Viviane Chauvet, an Advanced Arcturian Hybrid Avatar, about her background and her delegate's purpose on Earth.  Viviane   explains that she is a soul emanation of her Arcturian avatar self and chose to embody a hybrid physical form. They discuss the concept of an organic evolutionary process and the importance of monitoring thoughts and emotions. Viviane emphasizes the need to reclaim our original state and remember our true cosmic nature. This is an empowering purpose activation which illuminates the path to Self-mastery and organic Ascension from a cosmic perspective. We'll dive into the nitty-gritty of how our intention, thought, and emotion shapes our reality, and learn practical techniques for elevating and resetting our frequencies to reclaim our Original state of Divine being-ness.

From the mundane to the extraordinary, our conversation with Viviane is a transmission for our Cosmic Remembrance as we usher in, together, a new era of Self-enlightenment and Unity.


  • We are multidimensional beings with a cosmic purpose on Earth.
  • Monitoring our thoughts and emotions is crucial for our personal and collective ascension.
  • Resetting our frequencies state with a simple exercise.
  • Balancing mundane tasks with our cosmic purpose requires shifting our perspective and finding the sacred in everyday activities.
  • Reclaiming our original state and remembering our true nature as celestial beings is essential for the evolution of humanity and the planet.

00:00 Introduction and Background
02:30 Realization of Being an Octurian Hybrid
06:11 Organic Evolutionary Process
10:17 Mantra or Affirmation
13:07 Balancing Mundane Tasks with Cosmic Purpose
21:51 Monitoring Thoughts and Emotions for Ascension
24:22 Reclaiming Original State
26:26 Conclusion and Gratitude

Connect with Julie:
IG: @julie_suenshine

Julie Suen (00:03)
Aloha everybody, welcome to another episode of Shine, 22 minute soul purpose activations. I have the honor and the joy to have Vivienne Chauvet with me today as our featured guest on the show. Vivienne is certainly one of my guides and teachers. For a while I was a part of her Patreon community which is very...

I would encourage anybody with a spark of interest to check that out on her website. Of course, I would be posting her website on our show notes today. I consider Vivian a master-healer and teacher. She is an arcturian hybrid.

And I'm going to let her elaborate on her background for us for just a moment, if you would be willing to do that right now, Vivian.

Viviane Chauvet (01:15)
Thank you Julie for having me. A joy to be with all of you. So what does it mean to be an arcturian hybrid? The hybrid part of me is my body. My body was engineered by the arcturian with some human genetic material that comes from my mother lineage.

But at a soul level, I am truly an Arcturian being. So I am part I'm directly part from the Arcturian civilization. And we know that we are very ancient and very knowledgeable, like consider like masters of light. So I sent forth a soul emanation of my Arcturian avatar self that is already ascended, already part of the collective, very ancient. So I part I sent out an aspirin on myself.

template on my physical vessel was ready, my consciousness entered the body and then so I can be on the planet. So Arcturian is who I am, hybrid is the vessel I chose to embody to be here, so this is why the meaning the meaning behind it for me.

Julie Suen (02:30)
Yeah, so in your life on Earth, at what stage did you have the realization of all of this, that you're a Arcturian coming into a hybrid physical form? Did you always know or did it come to you at some point?

Viviane Chauvet (02:48)
great question. It's always been a knowingness because the being who speak with you to do through this physical form, I am who I am. So I always known, I've always been in complete telepathic communication with my Delegation So I have no need to channel because it's direct, directly a flow. I am, my body is built this way to be able to keep that flow. So even as a baby, I remember growing up,

I felt like a visitor. I knew that I'm here.

that I had returned on purpose. We all have for sure. Let's just to clarify that. But personally, I knew that as a visitor returning to the Earth in this very particular arrangements, if you want, that I was here for a very specific grand planetary purpose. So I went through life even as a child with this knowingness, this energy, this presence with me. And of course, I got to experience here

Learn, create connections, go to school.

you know, walk in the park and do all the things that souls come here, get to experience when you embody a human form. And what does it mean to have a life as an earth human? So I got to experience all of these very fascinating and rich level of experiences so I can better understand. And that gives a lot of information and feedback, if you would, to my delegation. And in turns, we work with many other delegations.

even though on the front I am primarily Arcturian, but I still have genetic from other groups like the Andromedans. We work very, very closely with so many other intergalactic civilizations and councils and so many layers of partnership. So what we are experiencing, I do say we because my group get to experience at the same time.

as I am on the planet with you, I get to experience a lot. So it helps us to better readjust to where the timeline has shifted over the last few generations, how the consciousness of humanity has shifted, where are you primarily, where the Earth is, where your solar system is, where the galactic alignment is in the cycle. So we're able to monitor all of it all at once. And this is where we're readjusting along the way.

we're bringing, what teaching we're bringing in, and what is appropriate as we're, think of it as we are.

expanding alongside with you. So if you expand more up, we're able to give you more. If you feel like there's a period of contraction of the planet, then we go back and we hold the space. Now we come back again. This is why the Arcturian frequencies are so strong right now, because we're finally be able to come and bring the next level of transmission, because the planet is ready and overall humanity is more ready than it was. And that's going to

naturally evolve. It's an organic evolution as opposed to an induced one. There's nothing artificial about this. There's no need to create artificial energy around it or to create other false matrix on top of the actual matrix. We prefer a more organic evolutionary process.

Julie Suen (06:11)

I like to expand on that. When you say an organic evolutionary process, can you go into more of what that means and then perhaps how our role as humanity, what that is in this evolution process?

Viviane Chauvet (06:49)
That's a great observation, Julie, actually. It really is. Because your great role in humanity is to make a decision. Do you want to embrace fully the re-understanding your inner universe, re-understanding the encoding all the information that is within you? Do you want to really understand the language of your DNA, your intuition, communicating clearly without obstruction or limitation to your higher self, your star families, the

Gaia herself and so forth and so forth. Or that some humans are really entwined with AI, artificial intelligence, like new technology, they're super ingrained with med-beds and all these technologies are going to save us and heal our body, and they're going through. We say, it's all good. There's no judgment, there's no bad or wrong. But just be mindful that if you focus enough, you thought,

your creation, your emotion, and your belief system, you can redirect the timeline to co-create that sub-reality. And if that's what you need to evolve, that's fine. But I can assure you that from an intergalactic perspective, Gaia is returning to her own natural self that we call the re-ascended version of herself. It is truly a re-ascending because she was ascended, then descended, then go back again.

where we are. So that process is very natural and organic, because it's part of the natural cycle that she is, she meaning consciousness of the planet is moving into her body, the new grid system.

her electromagnetic field, you can tell the core of Gaia is moving in that sense. So of course it's going to affect you in terms of your body structures, your energetic connections, you affected on a magnetic level, on a crystalline level and all of it. And of course, consciousness. But we see an energy even in the community for those who are teachers and channels and all of it, and some of them are pushing very hard

technology or AI and all of this and you don't need really truly in our heart we can tell you have no need to plug yourself on the machine or a frequency mat or to induce yourself on a box like this really what we see you is a much greater potential much more natural more organic in the sense that it's part of who you are

And as you continue to evolve consciously, emotionally, and mentally, you start to realize going, oh, I don't need that cube or I don't need that device around my neck, like the little thing that pulse frequencies. Well, I don't need to lay down on a bed that is creating for me the frequency that I need. I'm able to generate that all by myself. And that's how we're sustaining more.

again reawakening your true potential. So eventually the human race is returning to a more celestial human race that you've always meant to be. So this is what we mean by organic evolutionary process.

Julie Suen (10:17)
That is so beautiful.

I'm going to ask if you would tune us in to a mantra or an affirmation. For listeners who are familiar with this show, we like to start the show with an affirmation or a mantra just so that we can unify our energies together before we dive in some more. Would you like to do that for us today, Vivian?

Viviane Chauvet (10:55)
course, with joy. Yes, and your mental transformation. Well, if you would please just close your eyes just for a moment and truly tuning in. Remember that as much as you're part of a very intelligent omnipresent universe, creation, the same cold reality exists within you.

Julie Suen (10:56)
And it could be really short. Yeah, great.

Viviane Chauvet (11:22)
So imagine feeling and tuning in more to your inner reality, your inner universe. And to feel that you are made of the same substance as planets are, stars, galaxies, spiral of light. And to truly feel through your I AM Presence that I AM a cosmic eternal presence.

That I am. I am an eternal cosmic presence of light. That I am. And when you feel the vibration of your own voice, or even into the strength, the beauty, and the wisdom of your heart, you can feel the vibration.

or what that truly means. You're invoking your I am presence more than a spiritual concept. It is an affirmation, an invocation of your divinity. So you can return embodying more and more and more the cosmic eternal presence that you are in this human form. Remember, I am that I am.

Let's take a deep breath.

and release.


Julie Suen (12:58)
Beautiful. I am that I am.


I am a cosmic being of light. Last week I was in the office and I had a bunch of client meetings and I was trying to print out a bunch of documents for these clients and then there was a jam, there's this paper jam in this copywriter and

I was taking it apart and I was like trying to figure out what's going on here. And I all of a sudden had to pause and

I was like, I am a multi-dimensional being. I am having this experience of unclogging this photocopy machine.

Now, why I want to bring this up is you mentioned you've been through what we've been through. You went, you know, you were birthed, you went to school and, you know, surrounded by other humans. And, but you've always had this knowing, right? Why I feel like so many of us may have searched for a

purpose in our life is that maybe a part of us forgot that we're this cosmic being of light, but also, you know, in going through the mundane stuff in life, not only it's easy to forget, but also we're like, you know, if we came here for a purpose, why am I unclogging this photocopy machine? And you know...

rushing through my day and I'm stressed out about various things and what would your perspective or your expanded perspective be on that? Like operating as a human, doing these mundane things, but at the same time we know we have this bigger purpose. How do we balance that?

Viviane Chauvet (15:24)
Frequencies, everything is a matter of frequencies. So when you are looking at machinery, computer, iPad, cell phone, camera, printing machine, printers, and anything that you utilize that coexists in this reality, remember that your frequencies are shifting. So when the printer you're rushing, and there's a gem of paper,

a physical representation of a gem of your thought forms or your thoughts rushing in. So it created the equivalent of those frequencies into physical manifestation. So this is something I've been observing a lot. Just to bring it a bit more perspective, yes, I have allowed myself to go through a lot of human experience, but the thing is that I wasn't born on your planet. I was born on my octrine father ship.

And born is more in terms of how I came about, how I came to be. And then from there I was brought back and reinserted into the appropriate timeline so I can look like I am born to your world. So I have no trauma around the birth canal or the birth process. I have none of those imprints. My only big imprint is the fact that I wanted to have a stronger Earth-based connection

Otherwise, it would have created too much of a discrepancy between my experiences and that of being a Earth human. So from that aspect, I'm able to watch and unfold what thought patterns. So for example, when you talk about I was in the office getting ready for clients'

and then the printer jam, what is happening? Well, I can already read in your field, Julie, your thought patterns and retrieving the historical aspect of what took place because your frequencies show me. So I would say that day, the rushing, what you call rushing in 3D, being in hurry for linear time or, you know, accessing two clients and having all these thoughts.

your frequency starts to scramble, your thoughts get to be very high like a beehive buzzing with energy so of course physically it's going to represent either the computer is non-responsive or there's a paper jam or there's something so what to do when you see that happening think about it how frequencies am i like super scrambling my frequency to the point that it created a physical manifestation reset

Take a minute, 30 seconds. It's very short, huh? 30 seconds, step back, deep breath. I reset my energy. I balance my frequency in my field, reset. I am on time. I bring myself back. Everything is returning into perfect alignment.

Okay, now I'm going to take care of the printer, tell them, okay printer, remember we're in sync right now. I talk to my devices.

Okay, we're in sync now. We're here to be of service. I need those printout. Thank you. Put the paper back in, reset the printer, re-send your printing demand, and let it do its job. Reset your frequencies. Same thing when you get public event, you're doing a fair conference, you're talking with people, a friend at home.

or with family members, you start to get agitated. Where's your field? Is your frequency buzzing? So you're getting out of alignment with that person, that situation, reset. Take your time to reset energetically. So I call those powerful energetic reset.

And it can be when you are in the airport, at the grocery, at the market, waiting for a bus, a transportation, anything. And remember, there's nothing mundane anymore. Why? It was never mundane. We were programmed to believe it was. And it's still part of your grainy purpose. It is still part of your soul purpose. Your soul gets to experience this physicality.

This very unique way of perceiving life, yourself, each other, a planet, animals, and how we think that we know. That's part of the experience and the experience to understand that you're reawakening from that 3D modern experience and understand that even the art of brushing your teeth can become a moment of deep, compassionate self-care aspect.

When I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth out of care for the vibrational energy of my gums, my roots, and I love to have my mouth very balanced. I talk to my teeth all the time. I tell them, you're perfect. As long as you're healthy, the blood flow and the gums are happy, we're good to go. I don't care about the aesthetic. You're good to go. I'm happy with you. So when I brush my teeth, it's an act of love towards my teeth. There's no longer mundane anymore.

I know we repeat it twice a day. It's a repetition of love. So it's a repetition of compassion, a repetition of self-care, until it becomes so natural that it doesn't look like a repetition anymore. This is how we dismantle 3D perspective. It's just an example, very practical, right? Very practical.

Julie Suen (21:16)
Yeah, that's, it's, it's so important. This mantling 3D perspective, seeing things as being mundane, operating out of a lower frequency rather than choosing to be of a higher vibration.

Want to go back to something you said earlier about humanity's role in the organic evolution process and how you said something about thoughts?

I love how this copy paper machine jam came up because you're absolutely right. Like this image came up as I was speaking with you. And yeah, it was my thought process and my level of frequency that created that scenario and my reality. So, I'm going to go ahead and start with this one.

And I know we have a couple minutes and this is where I would love for us to wrap up.

Would you say that our purpose as humanity, individually and collectively, at least in part, is to monitor our thoughts and emotions and witnessing the level of frequency that it creates out into a reality and that if we have that ability to be cognizant of that and be conscious of that this is how

we will be able to ascend with Mother Gaia.

Viviane Chauvet (22:51)
really contributes so much to it absolutely because it helps individually and collectively to remembering the path of enlightenment, the path of self mastery. So if you were to already practicing the secret art of monitoring your thought forms, your thought as energy create form and manifestation combined with intense emotion, you're here

very sacred faculties and arguments of your capacity for compassion, your capacity for empathic responses, rather than autopilot once rather than shutting your heart down because it hurts too much. It has been too much manipulation or from your past, your heart must be healed. It's everything.

everything. When your heart is happy, your world is shifting, your reality is shifting. It's more than a theory or

a positive, feel-good channel message, this is beyond that. This is truly the foundation of your re-ascension, the grand return to identify yourself again as an internal celestial being that you are, and this human experience, and you have many human experiences. This is not your first one, this is not your first time.

and to realize that this time we're all coming back with so many intergalactic beings, celestial beings, masters, and we're all taking on these forms to say, okay everybody, remember, we planned this, this is it, this is what we bring an entire civilization and so many sentient life forms including a planet back to its original place or its original state.

Julie Suen (24:38)
This is it.

Viviane Chauvet (24:51)
So imagine into says, I claim my original state every day. Even when I'm stuck in traffic, I feel frustrated. And that people calling me off, my boss has been rude to me. People are simulant on autopilot. Yes, but you are an intricate part of it. So there's no need to mimic an old paradigm, reclaim your original state. But what is it? I don't know, I don't know. You're stuck in the mind, bring yourself back in the heart.

I claim in my heart my original state and let it be a part of you.

Julie Suen (25:29)
Yeah, I reclaim my original state. Hmm, so it is. Hmm.

Viviane Chauvet (25:37)
And so it is. And so always shall be.

Julie Suen (25:50)
Thank you, Vivienne. Thank you so much for these transmissions. Very activating. Very activating of our sacred remembering of who we really are. And when we are able to remember who we truly are.

We don't even question what our purpose is. It just is. We are the purpose.

So much love, so many blessings to all of you. I will be posting additional information onto the end so that you may have a look and see if you align with her work and you may work further with her. She has generously gifted us a series of meditation called The Race of Creation. I will be posting that in an email to

those who are my email subscribers and if you're not at this time, feel free to join at my website So much gratitude for Vivienne and I would like to just say aloha until next time. Thank you everybody for being here.