SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 6 Connect with Planetary Consciousness & Harness Post-Eclipse Energetics w/ Erik Roth, Shamanic Astrologer

• Julie Suen • Season 1 • Episode 6

Eric Roth, a shamanic astrologer, discusses his journey into astrology and the importance of connecting with the stars. He explains how ancient cultures had a deep connection with the stars and how astrology can help us heal and understand ourselves. Eric also talks about the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, and its significance in astrology. He suggests connecting with the Sun, Moon, Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus during this time and recommends practices like meditation, journaling, and paying attention to dreams to align with the eclipse energy and discover our higher purpose.


  • Ancient cultures had a deep connection with the stars and integrated astrology into their spiritual practices.
  • Astrology can help us heal and understand ourselves on a deeper level.
  • The upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th, 2024, is a significant event in astrology and offers an opportunity for healing and self-reflection.
  • Connecting with the Sun, Moon, Chiron, Jupiter, and Uranus during and many months after the eclipse can provide guidance and support.
  • Practices like meditation, journaling, and paying attention to dreams can help align with the eclipse energy and discover our higher purpose.


00:00 Introduction to Eric Roth and his work

03:48 Eric's journey into astrology and shamanic astrology

09:19 The connection between mountains, stars, and ancient worship

12:26 The impact of lunar and solar eclipses

13:49 The significance of the April 8th, 2024 solar eclipse

25:50 Working with the eclipse energy to align with higher purpose

28:27 Connecting with specific planets during the eclipse

31:03 Gift from Eric: Introduction to the essence of astrology video

32:57 Closing remarks and encouragement for self-reflection

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IG: @julie_suenshine

Julie Suen (00:03.694)

Aloha everyone. Welcome to another episode of Shine 22 -minute Soul Purpose Activation. Today I am delighted and honored to have Eric Roth as our featured guest on the show. Eric Roth is a shamanic astrologer. He is the founder of Inspiral Nexus. I love the tagline that he has on his website. It's, discover your soul's intent through alchemy and astrology.

He offers readings, classes, mentoring, astrocotography, and he presents in numerous classes and live sessions, especially in Oregon. So I just want to point that out in case you are in the area that you may be able to check that out and benefit from these live presentations and sessions. You could find out more about these events on his website under the heading events and classes. Without further ado, this is Eric. I personally had a session with him recently and I really got a lot of insights and benefited from it. I'm happy to invite him onto shine. Is there anything you would like to add to that introduction, Eric?


Erik Roth (01:47.672)

Thank you, Julie. It's great to be here. Yeah, I also just like to add that I write, I don't know if you mentioned the book that I wrote, but I also write, okay, Sacred Hearth Within is the book I have. It's available on Amazon as an ebook and as print. And it's about Vesta, the asteroid Vesta in astrology. And I write, continually write,


Julie Suen (01:59.374)

Not yet.


Erik Roth (02:16.824)

updates and posts on social media. And, you know, if you follow me on those channels, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and YouTube, you'll get regular updates as to what's going on with the stars and the planets and the signs. And I've had quite a powerful journey to get to where I am today and continue to unfold for me. But there's definitely a lot happening astrologically this month and beyond that is really amazing that you can tune into by following me on these various outlets. Thank you.


Julie Suen (02:59.406)

So if I wanted to find you on Facebook, what is my search term?


Erik Roth (03:04.472)

It's the business name and Spiral Nexus.


Julie Suen (03:07.566)

in spiral nexus perfect and um let me just spell that out is i n s p i r a l nexus n e x u s dot com and then um what is your handle on instagram


Erik Roth (03:22.584)



Erik Roth (03:27.32)

It's the same. It's at and spiral nexus. Yeah.


Julie Suen (03:29.198)

Okay, perfect. All right. And you mentioned something about your journey. Tell us about that. How did you get connected with the stars and become an astrologer? And not just any astrologer, but a shamanic astrologer.


Erik Roth (03:48.024)

Yeah, it's certainly, they could tell a long version, a short version. So I will, I'll tell a shorter version. So I was just a few years after my divorce in my twenties, I experienced what I can call just an awakening on a spiritual level for myself and started really discovering things around me that were, you know, beyond just the normal mainstream conventional way of going about. Just engaging my senses in ways that I hadn't before. And also, you know, just this insatiable curiosity for the meaning and truth of who we are. And so I read, I constantly read books, books about even starting with cosmology, I read books about God, I read books about shamanism, which eventually led me to a shamanic counselor. And through her work, she had a partner. His name was Daniel G. Amario. And I went to a workshop in Oregon here at Brighton Bush Hot Springs where they taught shamanic astrology and shamanic breath work. And it was through that work that I discovered shamanic astrology and it spoke to my soul.


That work did and because it brought in not only what you would generally read and like basic level, you know, information about horoscopes, but we talked about actually going under the stars and learning the stories of the stars and how it really speaks to the essence of who we are as human beings. And that really caught my attention. And so I started taking in -person courses, which Daniel Giammario called intensives, over a period of some years. And it took me quite a while through work I was doing. I was already had some other work that I was engaged in, middle -world work with commercial insurance. And eventually that I was able to remove myself out of that. I was doing both insurance and astrology for a while in the early years. I became a practitioner.


Erik Roth (06:14.904)

in 2010, like fully doing readings. And that's when I just created the business in spiral nexus. I -N is can be both inspiration and integration and the spiral, meaning the spiral of life. And the nexus is the connection point between the earth and the sky. So it's bringing all of that together into one. And that was what part of that came through in a dream.

The other part came through just meditation and, you know, wondering and calling out things that might work for me and my description of what I wanted to present as an individual into the world. And I continue to go on this journey. So now 14 years I've been doing this and continue to do talks and classes and write up things including a future. I do have plans to write more books as well. So that is in the cards. But that was a, you can call it the kind of the nutshell of my journey. And there, anything that speaks to my soul, anything that calls to my heart, it's something that I follow.


Julie Suen (07:37.422)

That's beautiful. And clearly the stars call to your heart and your soul. Yeah, I personally believe that we're from the stars. And that's what we're, I mean, we know that we're made of the stars material, like biologically. And I actually wrote a short story that's being published in June as well. And it's a story about how...


Erik Roth (07:41.88)

Yes, they do.


Erik Roth (07:51.416)

Mm -hmm.


Julie Suen (08:06.67)

I connected with these mountains here in Hawaii. So I live on the island of Oahu and I've been living here for about 11 years. And there was this one mountain that brought back all of this cosmic remembrance for me. I visited it. I've heard it's a sacred site and just kind of going around this mountain and seeing all these rocks and being really curious about them and connecting with them. And the same night I had all these visions, they were in the form of a dream, but not really because I was so active in them. I was moving and I found myself dancing, like doing this hula dance and...


I don't know how to dance hula, but the movements were that of a hula, like very similar. And just found myself doing that while I'm in like a half sleep state. And all at the same time, these higher beings, they were showing me all of the connections of the mountain ranges, like where the range peaked, it would connect, it connects to a certain constellation and the rocks that were around this mountain, they all connect to a certain constellation and this dance, this movement were done around this mountain because that is how the people, the ancient people, I'm guessing that were there, that's how we would worship the stars and connect to them.


Erik Roth (09:20.888)



Julie Suen (09:51.374)

what you said about shamanic astrology and what you learn about our connection, that's what brought up this memory for me. And I love that you have this connection and you bring that into your work because astrology in and of itself, we're just looking at the birth dates and you know, the charts and things like that. It's it's missing that soul aspect.


Then that soul aspect is really our origin, our cosmic origin. Yeah, I don't know if there's anything you want to add to that.


Erik Roth (10:22.104)

Mm -hmm.


Erik Roth (10:27.736)



Erik Roth (10:33.496)

Well, throughout history, ancient peoples throughout, almost no matter what culture they come from, they had a very deep connection with the stars and the planets. And different forms of astrology were kind of weaved into that space. An example, actually what you were talking about, how the landscape or the mountains in connection to various constellations and stars,


The Lakota people of North America, they have a, every year they connect the, a particular region of the sky called the sacred hoop of stars to the Black Hills area of the Dakotas. And that is something that was part of their own cultural rights and initiations as a people. And so that.


like as above, so below, they really integrated that in a masterful way. And there are some books that are out there about that. And so that's just an example of many examples out there where ancient peoples looked at the sky as a reflection of us and that we were a reflection of them. So it went both ways. We co -create unison with the sky and the earth.


Julie Suen (12:00.11)

Yes, absolutely. Yeah, so before we started the session, I disclosed to Eric that we right now is the beginning of April. And we had just had this lunar eclipse at the end of March with the full moon. And I felt completely wiped out from that.


And then Eric mentioned that there is a solar eclipse. And I mean, this is kind of all over the news if you follow it. There is, and they call it the great eclipse on April 8th, 2024. And I asked Eric if he felt affected by these eclipse energies. And from an astrology standpoint, what he may point out that, you know, that we can learn from these eclipses and how it may impact us and as well how we may work with the energies of the eclipse to empower us. So I'm going to get Eric to share some of that. The lunar eclipse already passed. So if you want to talk briefly about that, that's cool. But I feel like what's percolating the field is this great eclipse of April 8th, which of course is a one day event. But I can feel that it has significant effects in the long run for those who are working with this energies. So please, please share your wisdom on this.


Erik Roth (13:49.368)

Yeah, this upcoming eclipse on April 8th that will be total in the parts of the United States and in Mexico and up through the Great Lakes area along the US -Canada border in the Ohio Valley and Texas. This eclipse is taking place in the sign of Everest in but then the constellation of the fish. So constellations and signs are different. But and there are videos out there that can share the differences between the two. But this eclipse is one of the major highlights of this is that it's you've got a total solar eclipse. This is the moon covering the total disk of the sun and.


with this eclipse, those two bodies, celestial bodies, is also the planetary body Chiron, which is a planetary type body, asteroid type body that orbits between Saturn and Uranus. That is going to be exactly conjunct the eclipse in 19 degrees and 24 minutes Aries, so in the sign of Aries. And Chiron astrologically represents our collective wound, a fracture point. And so this eclipse has a really pronounced, you know, high, you know, energy around us being able to heal ourselves, us being able to work with integrating our past wounds, our collective energy to really go inward and do some deeper work. And


You know that I talked about the sign of Aries how it's kind of this this this martial mission oriented individualist type of energy that wants to you know that that works through instinct and intuition. So this is a chance for us to to to for Aries to go to kind of deepen itself into the mysteries of how it can heal itself and how it can be vulnerable in the world rather than only coming from a place of of of just.


Erik Roth (16:12.536)

fighting with strength and never showing your weaknesses and never showing your vulnerabilities. To be human is to be able to show those vulnerabilities, to be able to work with them, and as part of the overall whole. And so this eclipse is giving us an opportunity to do that on a collective level. And for those personally impacted by this, if you have things in the sign of Aries within about 10 degrees of the eclipse or cancer or Capricorn or Libra, you will also be impacted by that eclipse in a more direct fashion. But really, even if you don't, eclipses have impact more than just the location that they're happening in. So this is a global phenomenon. This is not just only the US and Canada and Mexico here. We've got much more going on than just that. So you know, the sun and moon are when they get together like that, that's there's a massive energetic impact on the planet. Even the, you know, even there's a physical impact on the crust of the earth and of course the tides. But in our bodies, in our psyche, in our soul, we are impacted by this and it can lead to, as you described, Julie, there can be kind of a draining because it's but also a sense of, like when I witnessed the 2017 eclipse in Oregon, I had never seen a total solar eclipse. I'd seen partial ones before that. And it to me was being at the foot of the cosmic temple, that there was no other, all the trivial thoughts in my brain were just released. And all I could be is in the presence of something.



Erik Roth (18:06.424)

beyond myself that is almost sometimes beyond description, that the intellect can only partially apprehend that there is much more, there's a deeper dynamic happening that are genetically, our souls are connected to in ways that we can't even fathom as we grow into it. So this, for those that are able to travel to that area or live in that area, you know, please do and witness this because it is something outstandingly powerful. Again, this is on the 8th of April. So lots to uncover with that, but the ramifications are not just the one day, but they can last, you know, up to a period like some others. There's ones that can last like necessarily like cycles of six months.


But then beyond that up to 18 and a half to 19 years when you're dealing with eclipses, because this eclipse won't happen in this area of the sky again until at least with the North node, which is a North node eclipse. So there's a lot of future ramifications, but all the way until another 18 and a half to 19 years when the nodes come back to their original position of where they were in April here of 2024.


Julie Suen (19:38.67)

I'm just feeling into what you said about the last eclipse that you witnessed in Oregon. And I was just feeling into those energies and it's profound. And I would encourage all of those who are listening to this to tune into your own emotions and what...your guidance, your inner guidance tells you about the eclipse because I do know there are a lot of narratives around it, whether it's astrological or, you know, on an energetic standpoint, but at the end of the day, it's you. It has to be completely unique to you. So,I would qualify everything that we say on the show with that. It's really, you have to tune into it. You have to find the meaning behind it on your own. Like me being significantly more tired from the lunar eclipse, I knew my higher guidance was clear, that it's my release and purging of anything that is out of alignment. Even though that may be the themes around the eclipse, but...


Julie Suen (21:04.398)

you have to find your own themes. Having said that, you talked about Aries and those who have signs in Cancer and Capricorn as well as Libra. Those folks with these alignments in their astrological chart may be impacted by this eclipse season. I'm particularly interested because I have my son in Cancer.


and my rising in Capricorn, my north node in Cancer, and my south node in Capricorn. So for those of us that, you know, maybe directly impacted in our astrology charts, would you say something to that?


Erik Roth (21:47.96)

Yeah, this would be really a focus on, well, for all these signs that you've mentioned, including you, of course, on doing some healing work in that area. This is, you know, it's just a good time. This is obviously, you know, if you happen to be in somewhere where you are with a large gathering and there's a lot of good vibes going on, that's fantastic. But just to...give yourself some space to do some inner work, meditation, thinking about your future, but also like what are your wounds and how can you work with them in a more healthy manner in your life? And you know, when we have things that we lose, we have, whether it be a, you know, a wound around self -love or, betrayal or, you know, you know, some kind of victimization of some sort of perfection, we've got to look at those more closely. And the sign of Aries, this could be like, well, are we, you know, focused on such and such a thing, and we're not able to see in the peripheral vision? What are we missing in that? And is it impacting our life? And if so, in what way? So, This is an eclipse that's really deeper into the unconscious. It's in the psyche and it's not so much really showing on the surface, except when we see some things in the world and the violence that goes on in the world with the various wars and other things, we know that there's a lot of wounded people out there that are unable to or have no opportunities to, or haven't the tools to look at themselves to be able to go in and help themselves and face who they are for various reasons. But this is a chance on a collective level for us to do that. And for those that are impacted by this eclipse, particularly on a personal level, this is your opportunity for that. On a collective level for the rest of us, that's, I have a Capricorn rising and my Ascendant and...


Erik Roth (24:09.976)

descendants are definitely on that square to this eclipse within about five -ish degrees of that eclipse, which again happens at the 19 degree and 24 minute mark. For those that are more, you know, have greater aptitude with astrology, for example, and know where their things are, you can look at that more closely there. But,


You know, there's eclipse seasons that happen, they happen every six months. There'll be another one in October this coming year. And so we'll get a chance to, September, October, we'll get a chance to experience another round. But this is, you know, total solar eclipses are not to be, certainly not to be taken lightly, but they're part of the regular experience of humanity and of the cosmos. And...


It is always worth, uh, always worth witnessing and or feeling into yourself, even if there's clouds and you're not able to see it, just it's happening. Just tune into it. Just allow your, your, your ego to kind of take a backseat and, uh, just open to what, what you're feeling at that moment, open to what you're experiencing, what is coming in.


more than just thoughts but feelings in particular are going to be really important.


Julie Suen (25:40.43)

If you have any guidance on working with the eclipse energy to align ourselves with our purpose, with our higher purpose.


Erik Roth (25:50.84)

This would be to a lot of what I've just shared would be a great exercise for each person to do. It could also be helpful in this, maybe not necessarily during the exact eclipse, but maybe creating a vision board for yourself or maybe writing something in a journal and pay attention to your dreams as well. These would be really good. These are tools and ways for


spirit creation to connect with you as an individual and for things to come up, for your psyche to connect with you and be able to share what is there. Just like in dreams, we have the subconscious trying to communicate and even the unconscious also trying to communicate. These are ways to do it. And it's not so much what you're trying to analyze something, but it's more coming from the senses that go beyond just the


just the five senses. So those would be something you can practice with. But for most people, if it's all you can do is maybe just a simple meditation, that's perfect. But what I would recommend is you go inward into that and not, like, obviously there's gonna be people that are gonna study it from a scientific perspective, but going inward is gonna be the best course of action. And, you know, look at...


You know what is, you know, put an inquiry into your life. Like what is your purpose? Is this, is this the right course for you? Uh, it's a, think of it as an intersection of your life. Is this the right way? And if it is, then, then you've, you know, you're, you can continue to go, or maybe there's something you can improve. Maybe there's something you want more. And this is a chance for you to do that and, um, check in because only you, only the individual really knows what.


they're going to really resonate with what they're going to align with. So that is, you know, in the deepest of the deep, that is where the where the truth is held.


Julie Suen (27:57.39)

Yeah, and bringing it back to kind of a full circle, use our connection to the stars and ask the stars for assistance and support. I know you are, I know you talk to the planets and I talk to the stars. So, you know, they're the same sometimes. So, yeah, tap into that because...

If we are made of the same materials, that's where we're from. They are, in a sense, our ancestor, and we can call on the stars to support us. Are there any particular planets that you would suggest for us to connect with around this time?


Erik Roth (28:50.104)

Well, the sun and moon obviously beautifully and Chiron as well. But there's also a couple other places where on April 20th, we have a Jupiter -Uranus conjunction. The entire month of April is loaded and this is a really rare, it only happens every 13 and a half years or so, 13 to 14 years. And...


Julie Suen (28:53.838)



Erik Roth (29:15.704)

Tuning into those planets also will be of great help during this month. Now, Mercury is also retrograde for the majority of this month. So we have, and in fact, Mercury is in Aries, and it's only six degrees away from the eclipse with Eris. So there's a lot taking place, a lot in Aries. So these planets that I mentioned, these are the ones that I would recommend to connect into for guidance.

for understanding effect. Just to cap this off, it's the, and I may have shared this before, but the word understanding literally is standing under, meaning standing under the sky. So you are getting that knowledge in that way. You are understanding, you're standing under. So think of that, put yourself into that concept and to feel into what it means to you, to each individual. And that's where the, I mean, that's why we have, humanity has its stories in the sky. Their stories are forever. They can never be, you know, dispersed and they could ever be, you know, destroyed. They're there with us and our ancestry and our future is all connected into that space. So it's a chance for us to really open to that. It's part of our language.

It's part of our culture on a global level.


Julie Suen (30:47.758)

Absolutely. Yeah. Great. So let me share with our listeners that Eric has gifted us a video, and it is an introduction to the essence of astrology as an experiential journey that shares about the origins of the zodiac and the signs. I would encourage you to check out this video. For those of you who are on my email subscriber list, you will receive a link directly to your inbox.


If you're not a subscriber yet, it's really easy. Just go on my website, juliesuen .com and you may subscribe that way and you will receive the show notes, the links to the gifts that are offered by our guest speakers. And yeah, I would just encourage everyone to really tune inward to what your energies are telling you during this eclipse, after the eclipse and align yourself with what really is working in your life, what really feeds and nurtures your soul, what makes you feel vital and alive and what doesn't. What feels like dragging you down, what feels like you are putting on a 50 pound backpack all the time and see if there are shifts that you can work with, regardless of what's happening in the cosmos, because we are so intrinsically connected to all of that in the stars and the skies and the planets, we intuitively have these indicators within that are talking to us all the time. So I love all of the things that were shared today by Eric and I would encourage all of you to check out his amazing website and get a session if you feel aligned. Much gratitude and until next episode, Aloha everybody.