SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 7 Angelic Transmission to Expand Your Capacity for Light with Adria Estribou, Angel Channel & Intuitive Guide

• Julie Suen • Season 1 • Episode 7

In this episode, Julie Suen interviews Adria Estribou, an angelic channel and medium, about increasing one's capacity for light and finding purpose.

The conversation begins with an introduction and background on Adria's work. They then set the energetic wavelength with a mantra and proceed to explore the concept of increasing capacity for light. Adria guides a meditation to help listeners expand their energy field and connect with various sources of light. They discuss the importance of opening communication channels with nature and the increased telepathy experienced in the present time. The conversation also touches on discovering and deepening one's purpose, finding joy and service in stuckness, and embracing the present moment.

The episode concludes with information on how to work with Adria and a reminder to take action in the present moment.

Adria is sharing a special gift: Angel Raphael (channeled through Adria Estribou) leads an exercise to bring in a new power line around our own efforts and clear the old money power line. (14 minute audio transmission).

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  • Increasing one's capacity for light can lead to a greater sense of expansion and clarity.
  • Opening communication channels with nature, such as trees and water, can enhance telepathic abilities.
  • Discovering and deepening one's purpose involves exploring different interests and following what resonates with the heart.
  • Even in vocational paths that may feel stuck, there are opportunities to find joy and bring new light through small changes and shifts in perspective.
  • Embracing the present moment and making choices from a place of presence can lead to greater alignment with purpose and fulfillment.


00:00 Introduction and Background

01:13 Setting the Energetic Wavelength

03:38 Increasing Capacity for Light

12:16 Feeling Shiny and Refueled

13:30 Opening Communication Channels with Nature

19:06 Discovering and Deepening Purpose

21:58 Finding Joy and Service in Stuckness

24:26 Embracing the Present Moment

26:08 Closing and Next Steps

Connect with Julie:
IG: @julie_suenshine

Julie Suen (00:04.776)
Aloha, welcome to another episode of Shine, 22 minute soul purpose activations. I am so thrilled and excited to have Adria on our show today. Adria, I know her as an angelic channel, a medium, definitely very intuitive.

guidance. I work with Adria, I would say somewhat frequently and for years now. I was also a member of her New Earth Play Hub membership for a little while. And yeah, is there anything you would like to add to introduce yourself to our listeners before we tune into our mantra for today?

Adria Estribou (01:03.122)
I think that's great. Yeah, other services are more Sedona based. So that sounds great. Thank you.

Julie Suen (01:10.92)

And yeah, I mean, all the listeners will have a chance to look more deeply into your offerings. I'll be adding that onto the show notes as well as my email subscribers will receive a special email tuning you folks to that. But I'm feeling the energy, like we've got to get started. So let's get rolling. Yeah, I'm feeling a lot of like this angelic energy pushing me, physically pushing me. I'm like, okay, I hear you.

Adria Estribou (01:32.711)

Adria Estribou (01:44.087)
Thanks for watching!

Julie Suen (01:44.28)
I always start with mantra which is kind of like an invocation to set us into an energetic wavelength before we get started. So before we started rolling with the recording, the angels were communicating with Adria and she suggested an affirmation. So I'm going to tune us into that.

And it goes like this. I'm expanding my capacity to hold light.

Julie Suen (02:23.844)
Actually, let's change that up to I am ever expanding my capacity to be light.

Adria Estribou (02:38.466)
I'm buzzing over here.

Julie Suen (02:39.95)
Yeah, right? Okay, cool. So purpose, where would you or and or the angelic team like to launch this conversation?

Adria Estribou (02:57.518)
Well, whatever you want to do, and it might be many things in your soul purpose. It's probably not just one, the more capacity or energy you have to do that, the more free you can feel to just go for it. So today the angels wanted to bring through some energy in the form of a transmission for increasing your capacity for light.

And I was going to say hold light. I'm like, no, it's not really that because it flows through. I mean, some of it's held and some of it flows free. It's a moving energy as we're feeling here starting the podcast. So, yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Julie Suen (03:38.196)
I love that. Yeah.

Adria Estribou (03:41.642)
And there's so much, you know, where does the light come from before we jump in can come from the sun these days, there's a lot more solar activity that has, I think both knowledge and energy in it can come from your own heart can come from an enlightened being can come from the earth. So there's a lot of sources of light, and we're just focusing on today.

holding more of it, taking in more.

Julie Suen (04:14.372)
Yeah, definitely tuning into that energy. The sun has been feeling so powerful and magnetic. The sunrise, if anybody is able to watch that, wow, the energetics, it's, we're in a new world. That's...

Yeah, and Sun is definitely nurturing us and tuning us into that. Okay, so I'll let you transmit.

Adria Estribou (04:41.953)
Mm-hmm. Hehe

Adria Estribou (04:55.362)
Yeah, this is Angel Raphael. So wherever you are, if you can sit in a manner to receive, it doesn't have to be Ramrod Street, but we would say, focus yourself a little bit, your attention so you're not watching the television at the same time we're driving. So.

Your light is emanating from you, but there is also light from many sources from without so called without view if you're focused just on your being, it seems to be outside of yourself. If you're focused wider, it's part of you already. So the first thing we want to do is come wider in our stance of who you are, so that you can meld with the light around you.

So when you look at yourself with your inner eyes and see there's a body shape on the chair or the floor and there's energy, there's a padding of energy around you and then there's all of this energy in the world from a cosmic light, from solar light, from the earth, from other beings.

And many times that light is shared. So the sun, for example, shares light with anyone who wants it, right, you have to put up a shield or a shade if you don't want it, you automatically get it if you're in view of the sun. So we'll use that for our focus today, but that's not the only type of light.

So how big are you to be able to collect the sun's rays? Are you three feet around your body? Are you one mile wide? How big would you like to be? If you were one mile wide on a daily basis, you might feel a little scattered because there are a lot of energy forms, life forms around in that mile.

Adria Estribou (07:08.898)
But from time to time, let's say 10 minutes, you want to increase your light. And again, we'll play with the sun today, but you can use other forms of light that are freely given.

Adria Estribou (07:27.118)
Think of yourself, you can just imagine it, it's not a push-pull with your energy field, you're just going to ask yourself to grow to be a mile wide in all directions, so you're roughly a circle of a mile.

Adria Estribou (07:43.474)
and all of that so even if you're indoors right some of you now is outside and if it's daylight you're receiving the sun you just have that intention all right I want to collect and energize myself with this light from the sun in a field that is extends for a mile in all directions

Adria Estribou (08:11.734)
You can extend the mile downward also into Earth so that you're grounded as you do this. And if there's any excess light more than your system wants, you can just let it flow down into the Earth. She's happy to receive that.

You can also use this as a pass through of cleansing light can be cleansing. Yes, you are a bit of a field that can charge like a battery, but at some point you've had enough, you're full and it's going to pass through here to earth. And as it passes through, it's filling in any shadow places in you. And it's also

washing through any staleness from your day or the night before.

Adria Estribou (09:10.638)
For a moment you're receiving this light just to the level of your comfort and letting the rest pass through down to earth.

Adria Estribou (09:23.042)
The mile above your head is quite rarefied air, lovely sunlight up there. So you're also collecting above yourself, above the trees.

Adria Estribou (09:45.146)
You are the sparkling.

one mile wall of solar light now.

Adria Estribou (09:55.882)
And ask yourself to increase how much you're going to hold before it passes through just a fraction, just a little bit more than is comfortable.

Adria Estribou (10:15.334)
there's a difference between comfort and danger right? There's a certain amount you're used to but within it's safely safe bounds and you know what those are. You're just increasing just a bit. Oh I can be brighter quite effortlessly. The energy is not even coming from me.

Adria Estribou (10:42.026)
And you might feel that buzz like a bit of a vibration, a vibratory field around you. Light is also a vibration, a frequency.

Adria Estribou (10:59.438)
And if you'd like, you can increase that, how much light you're holding, just a bit more.

Adria Estribou (11:22.77)
As we come out from this exercise, you have the option of holding at that higher vibratory state.

more like an exhale just letting the extra go down into earth and coming back to comfort zone. So you can practice this for a few minutes at a time or when you feel depleted you can increase and leave it increased. If later an hour or two from now you felt a little headache or something you could think maybe I have a little too much light let me

decrease the amount of light in my field and just let that flow to Earth.

Julie Suen (12:16.172)
I feel shiny. Yeah, that's beautiful. I've done similar meditations in the past or practices where you're filling with source of light. But when we're working with the sun,

Adria Estribou (12:18.157)

Adria Estribou (12:40.503)

Julie Suen (12:44.604)
This is different. This is...

Julie Suen (12:52.333)
It feels like more grounding, more centering. And I feel like my physical body is being refueled. Yeah. So, amazing.

Adria Estribou (13:08.29)
Feeling a little weightless, but not in a spacey way. Like my body on the chair, I feel like I'm just like floating around like a little genie or something. Flying carpet. Like I don't feel a weight to my body right now, but I also feel very centered and clear. Interesting.

Julie Suen (13:20.22)
Thank you.

Thanks for watching!

Yeah, yes.

Julie Suen (13:30.9)
Yeah, and working with the sun just seems more tangible, right? It's something that we're all so familiar with on our day to day. Um, yeah, that was, that was great. That was brilliant. Thank you. Yes. Um, so while we have, um, Archangel Raphael with us, um, can we ask some questions? Okay. Um,

Adria Estribou (13:44.416)
Mm-hmm. Pleasure.

Adria Estribou (13:57.134)

Julie Suen (14:02.533)
I want to start with this because I was kind of feeling into this already this morning is we are in the beginning of 2024.

Julie Suen (14:14.252)
I feel there's a sense around this year being really big on assisting us or even this sense of pushing us to be in alignment with our purpose and starting our creative focus on that. What are we here to do? Really this push.

is the word that keeps coming. Yeah, what's that all about?

Adria Estribou (14:48.386)
This is Angel Raphael. Yes, there's an acceleration here. So part of it with the dawning of Age of Aquarius in an official sense astrologically, the Earth, the planet Earth, now comes online with what many of you have begun to feel already in yourselves. So when the planet joins with you, your planet, not one of those distant ones, joins with you.

There's a tremendous acceleration or alignment of force. So what you put your mind or heart to, the planet's now right there with you. So you can imagine the effect is magnified tremendously.

Julie Suen (15:38.952)
How do we get our planet, beloved Mother Earth, to support us? We know that's what she's doing. Is there a practice you may suggest that allows us to more consciously work with her in this way?

Adria Estribou (15:59.09)
This is Raphael. No, the exercise we've just done is quite lovely because you are rather than dumping your sorrow, which is another function Earth is happy to play to collect what you discharge or ground into Earth. Many people do this. And she can recycle all that but when you are offering excess light, it's like offering her a bit of nectar. So she doesn't get the light in the core, right? The sunlight.

So this is a sweet way of offering. I'm not asking for anything right now. I just want to give you a little light. Thanks for being here because she is very much in support, but you can come into a little bit more of symbiosis there with Earth through offering light.

Julie Suen (16:47.296)
Yeah, totally feeling that, especially in the last year and definitely the beginning of this year. If anybody has a practice of communicating with the elementals and with trees, you know, the critters and the sky.

Adria Estribou (16:48.43)
Thanks for watching!

Julie Suen (17:09.68)
the communication channels are feeling wide open and there is definitely the sense of this mutual symbiosis collaboration that's happening. It's no longer, hey Mother Earth, can you do this? Can you help me? It's both ways. It's her befriending us and giving us offerings and then there's an exchange there.

Adria Estribou (17:30.219)

Julie Suen (17:39.5)
So I definitely, and the water, I feel has totally up communication. Yeah, so I definitely encourage just kind of taking on to what was said, our listeners to try to open those communication portals more and more. And having an exchange, having this dialogue with a very, very dear friend.

Adria Estribou (18:06.126)

Julie Suen (18:07.08)
trees, water, critters and such.

Adria Estribou (18:11.774)
And telepathy is like, all of a sudden really open. And the angels have been saying that for a little while that it was really going to be coming in this year. And I've started to experience that hugely, just very strong telepathy coming through. So even if you tried, you know, last year and you thought I talked to trees all the time and they never talk back, oh, maybe they do now. Give it a whirl.

Julie Suen (18:38.64)
Yes, they do. They do. Trust me, they do. The portals are open. It's a totally different level and rocks and mountains. Oh, geez, mountains are really so full of wisdom.

Adria Estribou (18:49.666)

Julie Suen (18:59.276)
Archangel Raphael. For those who are

seeking their purpose or for those who are seeking in a sense a higher level of purpose or a deepening, even a further deepening and expanding more in that, in what they believe to be their purpose. Share some wisdom on that.

Adria Estribou (19:36.708)
This is Rafael.

Adria Estribou (19:41.166)
Yes, remember please that you have tremendous free will. So sometimes people look so hard for the destiny purpose. They forget that the conscious moment contains choice. So even if you have been very aligned with the purpose, but you want more, you don't have to wait for a psychic or

Adria Estribou (20:10.55)
choose one you like. Choice is the biggest player in terms of the newness of New Earth, the choices you have now, now.

Julie Suen (20:25.812)
And for some who may be not so used to choosing, and they're like, I don't know what to choose, what would you say to that?

Adria Estribou (20:42.302)
This is Raphael. If you could imagine that life wasn't like a buffet, instead of something you ordered, there's less pressure to order the right thing, you can try a few things. You may not want to eat the whole buffet, you might get sick or not have enough life years for that to try every purpose. But you could step towards something a little take a class, have a circle gathering around a topic.

try a healing modality and see how you like it, how it feels in your in your being. It's not a question of skill or ability so much anymore as what do you resonate with, what in your heart lights up. So you might not know that until you try it. You might not know you're a tremendous painter until you sit in on a class one day.

Julie Suen (21:40.328)
What coming up is the question for those who are feeling like they're stuck in a vocational path.

Julie Suen (21:54.712)
or what would you say to them?

Adria Estribou (21:58.97)
This is Rafael, become unstuck through choice. So perhaps your family depends on the income and it's a career you've studied 12 years for and you feel there's no way I can move this. But if you look carefully enough, there's something within your field that you can change. You might start teaching what you know, you might change the modality within your field.

you might get a new consortium of people around you that are more aligned with your heart. So even in those cases where it feels, no, this is it, I can't, it doesn't make sense, people depend on me. You know, there are ways of finding joy and finding more service even within the location you have chosen. Even if it's gotten stale for you, refresh it, bring new light to it.

Julie Suen (22:59.533)
Yeah, I love that because this kind of ties back into being in the now and the potentiality that already is in the now.

and having the willingness to make that choice to see it, to bring our own light to that. Because if we condemn it or cast it off from the get-go, we can never be present. And without that presence...

Julie Suen (23:36.6)
It's impossible. It's impossible to make choices, right? If you're not fully present in the now, where are you choosing from? So, wow, that's beautiful. Beautifully ties all of the themes that we've talked about during this activation, being present in the now.

Adria Estribou (23:50.938)

Julie Suen (24:05.148)
the free will, the need to exercise our free will to choose, and then of course, being the light and bringing the light. All right, so that was approximately 22 minutes. Is there anything you want to add to our conversation today before we wrap up?

Adria Estribou (24:26.998)
Yeah, this is Adria. Just don't wait. You know, if you're feeling depleted, oh, tomorrow or tonight, I'll do this light exercise. You probably have five minutes, even if you have to hide yourself in a bathroom somewhere at work, you know, or you want to make some change in your career or do a special meditation. You know, don't wait. The present moment is where the energy is. The future doesn't exist. So do it right now.

Julie Suen (24:55.18)
Absolutely. Yeah. And neither does the past, right? It's whatever your stories, what you believe to be true about your current situation and possibly stuckness, we can, we have a choice to drop that story as well.

Adria Estribou (25:13.454)

Julie Suen (25:15.208)
All right. Thank you so much, Adrienne and the Angelics. Of course, I'll be sending out an email with the ways that we may work with you. And you've already chosen a gift to provide to our listeners. And

Adria Estribou (25:18.166)
My pleasure, thank you.

Julie Suen (25:38.176)
I would be sharing that with our email subscribers. And also in the show notes, I will also be including some information on how you may work with Adria. For those of you who are not my email subscribers at this time, very easy, just go to Suen is spelled S-U-E-N. Subscribe to that and then you would receive podcast updates.

gifts that are so generously offered by our amazing speakers. Thank you for tuning in to Shine and I will see you again next Thursday. Thank you, Adria.

Adria Estribou (26:23.006)
Yeah, thank you, that was fun.

Julie Suen (26:25.953)
Yes, thank you.