SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 9 Beyond the Ordinary Co-Creation: Harnessing the Primordial Dragon Power Within, An Energetic Transmission with John Burgos

• Julie Suen • Season 1 • Episode 9


In this conversation, John Burgos and Julie Suen discuss the awakening of dragon energy and its significance in the current times. They explore the idea of dragon energy as a force of creation and the responsibility that comes with harnessing this power. They also discuss the importance of working with multidimensionality and how to navigate the snippets of insight and guidance that come from different dimensions. The conversation emphasizes the role of co-creation and the importance of creating from a place of play and love. They conclude by envisioning a future where way showers come together to create a new reality.


  • Dragon energy represents the awakening of raw creation and the potential for building sustainable structures.
  • Working with multidimensionality involves embracing snippets of insight and guidance from different dimensions.
  • Co-creation is a key aspect of purpose, and it involves creating from a place of play and love.
  • The dragon energy is a new technology that liberates us from cultural programming and religious dogma.

00:00 Introduction
01:25 Energetic Tuning Fork
09:02 The Dragon Mother of All Dragons
14:48 Dragon Energy and Creation
23:56 Co-Creation and Purpose
28:18 Creating from Play and Love
31:46 The Dragon Energy as a New Technology
35:00 Embracing the Dragon Energy
37:34 Creating Higher Together
38:15 Conclusion

Connect with Julie:
IG: @julie_suenshine

Julie Suen (00:03)
Aloha, everyone. Welcome to another episode of Shine 22 minutes soul purpose activation. Today, I'm very honored to have John Burgos on the show. John is one of my personal mentors. And he's amazing at it. He has this way of

channeling this higher wisdom from within you. And I see that he does that a lot on his own show. So he is the creator and host of Beyond the Ordinary Show, which curates these most amazing way showers on the show. And they have these super deep light filled conversations on the show and these amazing offerings.

John is also an Ascension Guide and an internationally recognized public speaker. And he thrives on collaborating with provocative spiritual leaders, bringing light to the shared power of the awakened collective consciousness. I also like to say that John is kind of like a modern day Rumi to me. He's just like so poetic. Okay, anyways, is there anything else you'd like to add to that?

john (01:25)
Oh my god, no, I'm just so happy to be here. And it's an honor that you would even consider calling me your mentor. It's just, yeah. Thank you.

Julie Suen (01:35)
I'm so honored. Okay. So with every episode, I like to tune us into, it's kind of like an energetic tuning fork where we kind of just sink into this unified field by way of an invocation or like a mantra. So I'm going to put John on the spot and see if anything comes up for him.

john (01:45)


The tuning fork, yes, I'm so glad you said that. And what I wanted to share was actually inspired by the last time you and I dropped in in a session, this collaboration of wisdom that comes through when two people gather with an open heart and the intention to bring out the best in what.

And it just happens organically. It's just, it's natural. And when that happens in its innocence, what becomes available is illuminates and anchors the potential that lives inside our heart. But it comes into.

through this shared experience. And one of the processes that came through so powerfully, and I've been sharing it actually quite a bit since about a week ago.

Julie Suen (02:48)
Yeah, wow, that's powerful. Right?

john (03:00)
And again, the tuning fork is so, you are the tuning fork, but the tuning fork does its job when it's actually worked. The song has to vibrate through it so we can hold the.

Julie Suen (03:00)


john (03:19)
whatever it is, but until we're activated, the tuning doesn't actually begin to occur.

And what happened in our last call was so beautiful because what was initiated, and I will try not to take up the full 22 minutes by the way, because I can go on forever. But where it occurred also is that you really invoke through what you're carrying in this lineage and this dragon energy that's so alive in you. We can get into a conversation about dragons another time.

Julie Suen (03:39)
It's approximate.

john (03:56)
But we really dropped into a space where we were starting to be an invite -in, call -in, a reverent energy that runs through us, for us, into us, and becomes us. And as we were invoking in the reverence to that energy and holding sacred space for it, the guidance of y 'all want to rest your breath in it.

and soften your eyes to their close effect.

Julie Suen (04:29)

john (04:31)
about taking that inhale in and being in this temple space that is you.

Julie Suen (04:34)

john (04:40)
and the significance of you ceremoniously tending to that space as you're inviting guests from beyond.

into this holy church. And whenever we drop into a meditation, a collective, a gathering with another holy heart with us.

Let us step into that temple metaphorically in your vision where your eyes closed. And imagine if you will, lighting the candle and bowing to it as you light it, flaming its subtle heat towards your body, cleansing your crown and your face and your body. Imagine lighting the incense.

and putting it in its proper holder and cleansing the temple space with its aroma, with its smoke, with its fire. And then as that's taking place, imagine sweeping out the dust, the energy, if you will.

Julie Suen (05:46)
. . .

john (06:03)
cleansing as best that you can, purifying that holy space, preparing it to be met by the Holy with the only intention of being present with it, for its only intention is to be present with you.

Julie Suen (06:15)
. . . .

john (06:31)
and to just hold space and that whether it takes you 30 seconds or five minutes to purify your temple.

to set the standard.

you intend to meet the guests that show up for you in this space.

and inevitably allowing that to become the standard of the intention of how others step into your Holy temple as well. So it's a meeting of the sacred within each other. It's a ceremonial devotion.

to the higher heart, to innocence and wisdom, again, in reverence to the divine in yourself and into the divinity that is waiting for you to invite it through your threshold. As you feel yourself just setting the space and your space clean,

or prepared as best as you can prepare it at the moment. Open your eyes and come back and know that you have set the field. You've set the intention. You've set the consciousness for what it is that you're ready to interact with. And you inspired that, Julie, so thank you for...

Julie Suen (08:13)

john (08:26)
bringing it into the session and allowing it to come through to not only serve what we were doing together, but serving so many others, including myself.

Julie Suen (08:36)
I'm so humbled. Thank you.

john (08:47)
We definitely co -created that, yes.

Julie Suen (08:50)
Yes, yeah with that said okay so the temple space is

For me, I saw the mother of all dragons again as you were bringing us into this field. Yes, and I know we're in the dragon year. Yet this dragon energy is, it's not merely, it's not merely an astrology. It's not just because we're in this Chinese New Year of the dragon. It's because there is something that is, whoo.

reawakening within all of us. And this dragon that I'm seeing, she is no ordinary dragon. She is the dragon mother of all dragons. And she is the mother of all creation in form. When we talk about the dragon energy, what wakes up within you, John?

john (09:45)

Oh my God. It's so much in different ways. Because what happens at first when we start talking about the dragon, it's like there's this filter of the way that we've heard and we've learned and interpretations that we've had. And as I drop, as I allow those filters, those imprints,

to settle and I land more in the center of what really comes up for me in this Dragon Energy. It's creation. It's raw creation and it's so appropriate for me because of my understanding of a karmic cycle that we're leaving behind, that we really graduated from. I believe we're feeling the remnants of what we left behind as echoes.

and we're living the experience of those echoes and they're being muted out and it was, and we're in that echoing phase and that's what has allowed this dragon consciousness to finally be heard, felt and seen. It was there before, but it was muffled. It wasn't time. It's just, it's, we just weren't in that space to be as immersed in it as we are now.

Julie Suen (11:00)

john (11:19)
Others could feel it. There was folklore and myth.

There was a tremendous amount of acculturation that was really tuned into it, but couldn't quite grasp fully the power because it hadn't awakened yet for the collective, for the masses. And it's wonderful that it's awakening for the collective and the masses, but more importantly, why is it awakened for you as an individual?

And feeling into that is the curiosity, the excitement of this powerful energy that is birthing possibilities beyond what we could have seen before, but also the responsibility and the maturation that we've gotten to so that we can carry that power forward.

and hold enough of the consciousness that what we create isn't for the sake of destruction. Because that was the power of the past. Let's build so we can destroy, build so we can destroy, build so we can destroy. Let's see how powerful we are in this version of the dragon. Because the dragon doesn't care. It'll build and tear it all down so it can build again.

in its primal consciousness. It knows it can't be destroyed. It's kind of like the bull through the china shop knocking everything down, not caring, just utilizing its power. The consciousness of this dragon awakening for me is aware of its power and it's harnessing it in a way that it's new to it as well, and it's building.

structures that are sustainable, but it comes with the awareness of the unity that it brings instead of just the individuality. But it's aware that it has to do it from the individual power. That's also good for the collective. So this dragon.

For me, it feels like a crystalline dragon as we even speak of it. If you were to Christ it, consciousness within this raw power.

Julie Suen (13:40)

john (13:51)
in connection to Gaia merging the worlds.

through its capacity to build sustainable pathways into.

Julie Suen (14:03)

john (14:13)
the consciousness of that Christ that ended beyond.

whatever we have believed crystalline or Christ did consciousness is the purity that it could potentially emanate of liberating us from fear and dogma and old structures I believe that we're awakening to not only embodying that in ways like we haven't before but I think we're accelerating into discovering

other levels of consciousness that are available.

Julie Suen (14:51)

john (14:55)
that as I sit with it, it's just, I can't even put words to it. It's beyond even what we hoped, what we can get to. But again, the driving consciousness is bringing in the structure for it. But it's also insisting on the unification. It's lobbying for that unification that must be in place because the divine creations are not.

It's a crumbly malt.

Julie Suen (15:27)
Yeah, I feel...

Yeah, I mean, the crystalline energies that we're being exposed to without, like from the cosmos, as well as our upgrading within our cellular structures into a more crystalline form. I feel like that's why the dragon can reawaken. Because like you said, in the past, perhaps we didn't use the dragon energy in the most righteous meaning.

john (15:46)


Julie Suen (16:04)
the way where it unifies people rather than separate them. So, and that's not a way that is in alignment with how at least this mother dragon energy wants to work. The mother wants to provide for all, the mother creates for all, and the mother also yearns for balance.

So, and John used the word lobbying because he knows that I'm a lawyer. And I also told him about this vision that I had about a year ago where one of my Lyran hire guides came to me and said that it's one of my missions here to lobby the higher powers. And we were just kind of playing around like, oh, what does that mean? And...

The force of the dragon is also really... it has this capacity in a sense to lobby, to mobilize people as well. Not with force, although the dragon definitely can be powerful and forceful in a physical way, but it is an energy where we're like, we're not going to take this shit anymore.

I feel like that's really in alignment with what the dragon is doing. It's really like looking at all we've done up until this point and be like, look at what we've created. I mean, we can't create the same shit anymore.

john (17:51)
Well, I love that you say that and you really feel into dragon energy and the potency, like the sheer power of its beingness as a consciousness.

Julie Suen (17:57)

john (18:06)
doesn't judge what's wrong or what's right. It just chooses it's whatever its preference is. It steps into and articulates it in a way that's demonstrative of the environment that it chooses to be in. And so it's, it's not that that didn't work or this caused that problem and all that the dragon. And we talked about this a little bit, Julie. Um, it just goes in a direction.

in the environment that it chooses as its preference. As what is in the line with it and it's, and you can say everything else gets destroyed in the process, but wherever we don't put our attention.

has to deteriorate, it's not being fed. So if we're not putting our attention on the world, we're not putting our attention on poverty, we're not putting our attention on scarcity, on letman believes, how can it continue to exist?

Julie Suen (19:10)
So at this moment I want to kind of bring this harness, this dragon energy back to the theme of the show, which is purpose.

john (19:21)

Julie Suen (19:23)
How would you say somebody who is on this path, who is having a sense of what they're here to do? But I mean, for me, it's like they come in little snippets. Sometimes I have a Lyran guide telling me that I'm a galactic lobbyist and I'm like, wow, that sounds great. I don't like the word lobby, but okay, cool. And they come in little pieces like this dragon mother comes to me and...

and tells me, oh, this is how you create from the void. Okay, well, but when I bring that back into my reality, I'm a little confused. So what, what, what insights, if any, do you have on kind of like working with our, our multi -dimensionality in the sense of, you know, where we are kind of like getting snippets from all these different dimensions, but like,

john (20:03)

Julie Suen (20:21)
but when we're here to really create in this reality. Now what?

john (20:25)

Yeah, and it's used one word that's that's stood out very specifically. Um, and I'll back into that in a second.

I go through this periods also a lot of them. I get like hints and glimpses of things and then it feels like I'm supposed to do it now and why isn't it coming to fruition or when's it finally gonna come? But I was told this, but I'll show this other thing. It's like, and what's landing and it's.

I know from my decades of experience playing in these fields and seeing potentials and then not coming through fruition in the way that I felt it so strongly, that somehow they do over time.

Julie Suen (21:17)

john (21:17)
somehow the seeds may be planted and

that it's not our responsibility.

completely to tend to the field, that it really is a co -creation, that really sometimes we're being seated and we're being prepared and we're aligning.

into a blossoming that could eventually take place based on our free will choice as well to see if we want to take that path or another one. But those sprinkles along the way, they're also igniting.

a sense of I'm here for something. There's something else arising. It gives us not only a sense of purpose, but my God, we can all use this from time to time, but not all the time, a sense of hope. There's something else. Because of this all there is to it in life, it's like, okay, I've been here, done that. Why am I even here anymore? I've looped around those karmic circles enough.

that I've seen this movie 20 times, 200 times, 2 ,000 times over. What's the point?

And so these inspirations come into fuels, I go, ah, but there's something else. I can feel it. There's this nudge. I'm supposed to create something. I'm growing into something. Someone wants to play with me in a new way.

So what if we took the responsibilities of having to hear the message, feel the nudge, and feel like it's our mission to completely carry that out on our own and discovering, unearthing, working towards how to freaking find it.

If this world is so horrible and the divine really wanted it course corrected if that's really what needed to take place And I won't say that that isn't because I don't want to offend anybody

It would of correct.

it would course correct on its own.

Julie Suen (23:45)
And what's our role? Yeah, so what's our role in that? If there's a cosmic dance of co -creation, what's our role in that?

john (23:56)
play. Discover yourself. Be open to...

feeling and taking ownership in the divinity that you truly are. As you have that relationship within yourself, these aspects of, I'm not enough, I can't do this, I'm not supported, I'm all alone, I have no hope, evaporates. And as you step more into the essence of the truth of the godliness that you be, your capacity to

provoke fear within yourself and in others.

It disappears. With that, the semblance of any illusion of scarcity disappears with it as well. The fight stops. We are the technology we've been waiting for. We've just been hoping that somebody else is gonna show us the technology so that we can find ourselves.

And the end game is to embrace the love that you are and be it. Demonstrate it for yourself and for others. See the divine in yourself. And if you can see it in yourself, there's no way that you can deny.

the divine in another, even if they're not demonstrating it in the way that you would prefer.

And that's that dragon coming home.

That's a collective wave sprouting.

really generating a force of creation that nothing can stop. But we've been in looping cycles that are start, stop, start, stop, start, stop, and it creates a lot of chaos in between.

We get these nudges because we have mirrors that demonstrate to us our capacity of creation. Create this, show up this way, show up and love that way. Put up a boundary here, set up standards there. Discover yourself in new ways and as you discover yourself, the love that you are can't help but to show others the love that they are.

ask yourself why you're showing up and how. And then set the space for your temple. Sweep it out, light the candle, light the incense, clear yourself and set that intentional space. And when you do, the linement has a clearer space in which to attune.

Julie Suen (26:46)

john (27:09)
to those energies that you're really wishing to be with. Because all we really want is to be loved and loved. I mean, at the end of the day, that's all we seek. It's not the house, it's not the Ferrari, it's not the model girlfriend or boyfriend, it's not all the money in the bank account. It's...

We want to play, we want to love one another with the utmost integrity and to be received in that and to express her divinity through ourselves without any apprehension whatsoever, knowing that we're lighting other people up in the process, not diminishing them.

Julie Suen (27:54)
Right, so in this sense, it doesn't matter what we're doing. Right. Yeah.

john (27:59)
It matters how you're doing what you're doing.

And we all have our unique paths. We all have our unique blueprints and experiences.

that we get to have as individuated aspects of the divine. And so for some of us, it means creating a podcast and getting out there as an example of one of the little things that you're doing to generate more of the intention that is streaming from your heart for others to receive.

Julie Suen (28:27)


john (28:41)
And we all have our different ways of doing it. And that's, you know, the guide who's mowing my lawn is in a less divine than I am hosting a podcast. That's silly. Right. And he's got a purpose that is like beyond anything that I can interpret other than mowing my lawn, but in mowing the lawn that the exchange that we have together and seeing the divine and the exchange.

Not being oblivious and not becoming so...

out of tune with the truth and how we're interconnected in this space. And we start seeing that more often, the love that we have for other people, just it's, we can't harm another when we feel and realize that more and more. It's, it's, we can't see someone else suffering when we have so much and not give.

Julie Suen (29:24)

john (29:47)
We do not allow how uncomfortable it makes us feel to see a homeless man in the street begging for food or asking for $5 so he can get his next meal. And we get over our limitations, our beliefs, our preferences, what's comfortable. Because we come to realize that I will not truly stop suffering until he stops suffering.

I will not be healed until you're healed. You will not be healed until Julie's healed. We're all bringing each other home and we're rising above cultural imprints, religious dogma, and particles of safety that have been taught to us that not only are we

Julie Suen (30:23)

john (30:46)
us but repressing the people that we say that we love so much but we still keep that thumb pressed on them for the sake of safety that's an illusion.

It's what's keeping us in prison.

in our conscious presence.

a new technology. The dragon is bringing in a new technology.

liberation we're liberating the cultural programming we're liberating the religious dogma we're liberating what has been taught to us for the sake supposedly of culture

and we're awakening.

to the humanity of love. We're awakening to cosmic disclosure, if you will.

Julie Suen (31:50)

john (31:58)
of just how powerful we truly are once this technology turns on.


Julie Suen (32:08)
Yeah, technology where we create from play.

the innocence of creation itself.


I foresee, I hold a vision.

Way showers all working together. It's no longer, you know, my book is better than your book. You know, if I'm a healer, I cannot be a lawyer at the same time. If I channel the Pleiadians, I'm not going to channel the Syrians too. You know, it's just, I see, I see way showers being the person mowing your lawn. He is, you know, it's just,

everyone unifying together and way showing with love. That's where we're coming to.

john (33:13)
I agree with you. I agree with you. And how wonderful to channel the Pleiades or the Syrians or the Arcturians or the Larian's and as we bring it in, it's again the practice of setting the temple for unity consciousness. So as we slow down and we channel the filter of our subconscious and separation, you really ask how, you know, or command.

since we are embodying the dragon energy, commanded that transmission come from unity consciousness to come from a place of unification within myself first. Cause I can wish for unification outside of me, but let me gather myself so that I can be the emanation of what I desire to experience. And so,

energetically, ethereally, spiritually, to call myself into this and whatever is coming through me, to meet me in that place of as much wholeness as I can bring myself to. And attuned to my intention of receiving this, is it because I want a transaction?

If I give this will I get this?

Or is it MIA?

really available to be in the transmission of the truth that I am prepared to receive.

Julie Suen (34:56)

john (34:57)

Julie Suen (34:59)

Oh, that's...

Yeah, that was a lot. It's...

john (35:09)
It's a call to mastery. It's a call really to embracing this dragon energy. And we're all capable. We're in training each other back into that capacity. And we say it's a lot.

Julie Suen (35:15)

john (35:26)
but isn't it, it becomes habit. It becomes, let me remember to do this over and over because we've been taught to do the fear thing over and over. The preparation thing, the reptilian urge to protect and to fight and to be in fear. And now we're just entraining each other back into, if you will, the reptilian graduate into the dragon. The metamorphosized.

Julie Suen (35:36)

john (35:58)
consciousness recognizing itself as the power of all divine creation.

Julie Suen (36:08)

john (36:11)
So we're in training each other, reminding each other, we're uploading each other, we're exchanging these codes, we're lighting each other up, we're speaking words that stimulate, holding that field in a cohesive way for another and we're recognizing each other in that. And we're recognizing each other when we're not meeting in that. And so we get to attune and come.

attention. Remember as best you can when you forget, come back to remember. It's okay. It's all part of the evolution and the attunement that we're all going to have.

Julie Suen (36:51)
That's amazing. Yeah. Yeah, because we do need that reminder every now and then. And at the end of the day, all creation are co -creation. Whether it's of a higher element or a lower element, it's all creation were created together. So...

To recreate a new reality, that's why we are bonding in this sacred space so that we can remind each other that we can create higher together. Yeah.

So thank you so much, John, for sharing all of this wisdom today. It's really...

really rebalancing is the word.

john (37:46)
I heard rebellious, yes.

Julie Suen (37:48)
Rebellious, that too. And yes, thank you listeners for being here. Of course, I will share more about John's show and how you may work with him in the show notes as well as to my email subscribers. There's also a gift from John, an alchemical meditation to create new realities.

I'll be sharing that with my email subscribers as well. If you haven't subscribed yet, please do so on my website juliehsuwon .com. Thanks again, John. Until next time, aloha.

john (38:28)
Aloha. Thank you everybody.

I was all over the place, I hope that -