SHINE! 22-Minute Soul Purpose Activations

Ep. 10 PORTALS: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds with Freddy Silva, Leading Author & Researcher

Julie Suen Season 1 Episode 10

In this episode, Julie Suen interviews Freddy Silva, the lead author of the book 'Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds.' They discuss the concept of portals, which are places on Earth where the laws of physics behave differently, allowing individuals to access other realities. Silva shares his personal experiences with portals and explains how they can be accessed and utilized for personal growth and spiritual development. He also emphasizes that all sacred places are portals and that individuals themselves are portals. The conversation touches on topics such as the significance of the Green Man symbol and the connection between sacred sites and energy lines.


  • Portals are places on Earth where the laws of physics behave differently, allowing individuals to access other realities.
  • Sacred places, such as temples and stone circles, are built on hotspots of energy and serve as portals.
  • Individuals can access and interact with portals through mindfulness and intention.
  • Portals can be found in both natural and urban environments, and individuals themselves can be portals.
  • The Green Man symbol represents the fertility god of nature and is often found in sacred places.
  • Energy lines, known as ley lines, are geometric alignments between temples and do not necessarily indicate the presence of a portal.


00:00 Introduction and Book Release

02:14 Defining Portals

07:37 Personal Experiences and Transformation

11:29 Practical Steps to Interacting with Portals

13:52 Recognizing and Experiencing Portals

23:43 The Laws of Physics in Portals

26:36 Portals Within and Without

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Julie Suen (00:02)
Aloha everyone. Welcome to another episode of Shine. This is an exclusive episode. I am so excited. Yes, I'm very excited because, well, it's summer solstice first off. Happy solstice everyone. But it's also a really big day because it's a release of a very important book. And I have the author, the lead author of this book here with me, Freddie Silva.

Whom in my opinion really doesn't require much of an introduction, but I'm just going to speak a little bit of his bio anyways. Freddie Silva, bestselling author. He writes and publishes his own books. Leading researcher is an understatement. I don't know how he gets all this information, but every one of his books are just packed with documented information about

the most cryptic and mystical topics. I don't know how he does it. Leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history, literally restricted because it's been hidden for just so many, many years. Sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness. He's also leading expert on crop circles amongst many other things.

He's published now the ninth book in multiple languages and produced 14, at least 14 documentaries. And his most recent book is the subject of our interview today, and it's called Portals, Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds. I'd just like to add that I also have a short story somewhere in this book.

And I'm just so honored and grateful to have this little piece of work in this publication with this really big star. I'm a huge fan. So thank you for being here, Freddie Silva. thank you. Thank you very much. Hey, what is your definition of portals?

freddy silva (02:14)
Hello Julie and congratulations on being published.

Hawaii is one of them. It's actually the portal in the face of the planet. A portal is exactly what the word suggests. It's a window. In fact, the Persians called it the window into paradise. And it's kind of a place on the Earth's surface where the laws of physics, as we know them, behave a little bit differently. So if you're on this sort of radio station, you go on these particular hotspots of energy where electricity and magnetism and sometimes gravity combined.

Julie Suen (02:28)

freddy silva (02:55)
to shift the radio frequency a little bit. And because you're made of the same stuff, you stand at these hotspots and you allow yourself a little window into another reality. And a bit like driving a car, the more you do it, the more you sort of realize that you are trespassing into a new level of reality. And then if you do it properly, you can come back with information and then apply it in your daily life and become a better person or not, as the case may seem. It's a place where you go and get the tool. And in fact, Plato said it very well.

It's the only place where you can actually go and access real truth and real knowledge. There's no one else in the universe where you can find the truth and knowledge unless you go to these hotspots. So they're very important. They're all around the world. And I'm not joking about Hawaii. I mean, it's the geometry of the Earth is such that it hits Mauna Kea. And it's a specific angle of energy trans dimensioning. I won't get into the physics of it. It's very complicated.

But it is, it's the most active space on the face of the earth and it coincides with the most prevalent accentuation of gravity and electromagnetism on the planet. So I'm not surprising then that so many people are drawn to where you live.

Julie Suen (03:49)

Yeah, wow. I mean, I look forward to another book of yours talking all about Hawaii. Because I mean, you all. Yeah, I mean, I've already offered a spare room in our house. So yeah, you're OK. You're you're on. I have this recorded. I have this recorded. You're on. OK, so.

freddy silva (04:10)
I guess I'm gonna have to go there and research it. dude, stop, dude, stop twisting my arm.

You're on. I have a lot of spare rooms in Hawaii.

It's going to be the spare room tour. I have 14 spare rooms in Hawaii waiting for me.

Julie Suen (04:34)
well, you have a very long trip ahead. OK, so this is great. I mean, you just have so much information on so many different places. And I know that this book in particular, Portals, is a little different that in the way that you you write it, it's different from your other books that are very well researched and you go more personal in this book. Why?

What has caused you to kind of shift your tone in this book as opposed to your previous works?

freddy silva (05:10)
I swore that I wasn't going to write a book for another while. I don't really plan these things. They just come because they appear on my desk and then you follow your passion and everything else falls into place. So there's no plan. There's no long range plan. And I was approached by this publisher and I swore I've never worked with another publisher ever again. Least of all, because the returns are so little, unless you're a damn brand, in which case it doesn't matter. But...

She talked me into it. She says, you know, it's you never talk about your personal stuff. I said, well, it's not about me. It's about the bigger picture. It's about the temples and things. I couldn't imagine anything more boring than listening to me prattle on about my personal experiences. And she assured me that this is what people want to know. How you get where you ended up because of your personal experiences. And once in a while, I'll throw one in there like my experience in the Great Pyramid meeting the guardians that literally came out of the stone. And I had witnesses to prove this.

Julie Suen (06:02)

freddy silva (06:04)
And I figured, OK, who am I to disagree with public opinion? I guess I'll sort of talk about how I got to where I am. And then she says, well, there's a middle section where people like yourself would publish their own particular interactions with hotspots. And they had no idea what the material in the book was about. So I end up validating by accident or by coincidence what these people had written. And I hadn't read their stories either. I didn't want to until the very, very end.

And also they're validating what I'm saying in the other two chapters. So it became a wonderful synergistic exercise. And at the very end, there was a practical section in the third section, which I thought it's about time this was printed because I always talk about it. And you've been on one of my tours. I always talk about interacting and giving you your personal space so you can experience the temple and these hot spots and get something out of it. And but I've never written it down. I didn't realize this. So it became a very

practical exercise and for me the best part I didn't have to write you know 400 pages of bibliography and references and photographs to back this up so it saved me a lot of time because you know my printer used to say you know your books would be a lot cheaper if you took out the bibliography and the references because it's like a quarter of the book and I said well people need to believe that I'm not making this stuff up they I want to give the skeptics permission to believe that there's science behind all this and there is.

Julie Suen (07:17)
Thank you.

freddy silva (07:29)
So it became a bit of more of a joyous thing to write. So I'm pretty glad that I think it's already up to 10 ,000 in pre -order on Amazon or whatever, as much as I hate saying the word Amazon. So I'm looking forward to seeing how people react to it and also what they get out of it. Because if they don't get anything out of it, I don't want to know. I want to see people's lives being changed for the better.

Julie Suen (07:36)

Amazon, I know.

Yeah, I highly doubt that people won't get anything out of it. It's a powerful book. I, although I haven't been able to read the entire content until it's officially released. I see it as a beautiful weaving of a portal in and of itself. The book is a portal for others to open portals within so that they can interact with the portals without. So, and yes. And just wanted to add a little bit.

freddy silva (08:14)
That'll do it for me.

Julie Suen (08:20)
of a plugin here for Freddie's tours. If you haven't been on them, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Like go for it. Put yourself on the wait list. I put myself on the wait list for a really long time and then what happened, COVID happened so that people canceled and I got on the list to go to Egypt with Freddie. And that was an amazing experience and how you mentioned about the...

beings coming out from the walls. I actually experienced that in a hotel while we were there, but I'll save that for another day. That is another story, right? And so, you know, we all have these personal experiences and how grateful I am that you allow, you know, for you to say yes to this book meant that others like me can share these personal experiences without being called crazy.

freddy silva (08:54)
But that's another story.

Julie Suen (09:14)
So in portals, yeah, in portals, you and others, including myself, share stories of our personal experiences with these sacred portals around the world. What is one of your, yeah.

freddy silva (09:14)

Yeah, I get that sort of confirmation. It really is. I think, I mean, if you remember back in the time before you were seven, you have you see invisible people, you play with fairies, and then your parents hit you on the back of the head enough times to convince you that you're making it up. But it's actually true. I mean, until you're seven, you still have one foot in the other world. And we forget that these tools are there for our own happiness and development. These beings want to help you. The information is there for you to use in this lifetime.

As the Egyptians said very well, to be incarnated is to suffer from a spiritual blindness. You lose track of why you're here. And then of course, we end up going to all the podcasts and the lectures and the tours and the books to remind you of what the hell you're doing here. It's kind of a bit of a cosmic joke. So yeah, it's very important to get people to back into the land, to understand the spiritual context of the land.

and get to experience these things directly because it does really give you a sense of empowerment that you are the God you've been waiting for all along. And there's a lot of proof to be said to that. So, you know, when you see people arrive with all their problems, it's particularly in Egypt. And the last two tours sold out in 50 seconds, by the way. We're obviously doing something right. And I also spoil people, as you know. But.

The fact is that you see them arriving all of their problems and then 10 days later, they're very different. I mean, when they go back to the airport, the cacophony that hits you, the signal to noise ratio is very low. And you realize, I just spent 10 days blocking all of this and I feel better for it. So right there, you are now in control of what you allow in and out, which means you can actually dictate how you go through life in total control. So once you're in control,

You basically can do whatever you want with your intent, but then again, you've got to be careful what you ask for, because you might get it and you might not like what you got. But at least you're in control of the whole thing and no one can tell you what to do. And that's the best thing.

Julie Suen (11:27)
yeah, that's beautiful. So for people who wish to align energetically and interact with these portals, would you have recommendations for like steps or practical, practicalities that they could adopt? What would you suggest to somebody who's interested in stepping into the world of portals?

freddy silva (11:52)
Don't do drugs or alcohol. It gets in the way as much as I hate saying that in public. Yeah, it gets in the way and a lot of the people do ayahuasca and they go on retreats. But the thing is, if you ask any shaman, they'll say it's an approximation of the real process. It's not the actual process itself. The chemicals are creating a lot of the imagery. The idea of interacting with these hotspots of energy is to put yourself in a place where your soul has a chance to leave.

Julie Suen (11:55)
I'm done.

freddy silva (12:19)
and experience the other world directly. That's the difference. It's not a visual experience, it's a tangible experience. And if you do it again, like driving your car, you get better at it. And you remember when you first had a driving lesson, you're petrified and you're sweating and you don't think you can do it. Well, now here you are driving your car, a second nature. It's the same thing working with these spiritual places. The more you interact with them.

the more you develop this relationship with a friend or a sort of a being that wants to help you. And it is, it's like having your own extended family. And I should say it's a family you actually want to hang out with again and again, unlike Christmas and Easter, it's like, I don't want to hang out with my family. This is a family you definitely want to hang out with because they'll tell you the truth and they'll put a mirror up to you. And you've got to be pretty honest with yourself when you hear back these things.

Julie Suen (12:59)

freddy silva (13:13)
because sometimes the truth is difficult to handle, but if you want to make the best of your life here, you've got to be honest with yourself. You've got to strip away all the pretenses. And I can tell you from personal experience, it does you no end of good just to say, hey, I got it wrong, but that's okay. If you were perfect, you wouldn't have incarnated anyway. None of us are perfect. That's why we're here. And you got the rest of the time that you breathe until you die to get it right. So there's no hurry.

Julie Suen (13:42)
Yeah, so how does one know whether they're in a portal and are all portals sacred places?

freddy silva (13:52)
Yeah, because originally the native people around the world, they'd sensed everything. So if you go down to Australia, for example, the Aboriginal people will walk across the desert and suddenly they'll turn right. And you think, why is it so special about this piece of sand? And they'll say, because we can hear the Jalkiri, the spirit roads and every they're like cassette tape. Now, if you're under 30, you'll have to Google cassette tape because it's like these cassette tapes where they imprint the information.

of people that have walked these lines, these song lines forever. So they hear the song and they'll turn right and 60 miles later, they're at a sacred site. So they were doing this forever in Native America. Same thing with the Hopi. You climb to the top of the hill and they'll say, here it is. And people go, where? Right there. They can see it, they can sense it, but you're disappointed because you're expecting a big temple. Well, that's what happened because we lost that connection to be able to feel the sensitive environment around us.

And it's almost a bit like a TV screen popping in front of you or you hear someone whispering in your ear. That's the sensation that you get or the air around you is somewhat different. And it gives you kind of a tingling quality on the tips of your fingers. That's what it feels like because you're also electromagnetic, as is the portal. So you're touching something very much like yourself. So because we forgot how to do this, they built temples on these places. So the Egyptian temples on top of portals, the holy holy says it all basically.

The altar in all cathedrals and European churches, it's called the altar because that's where you are altered. That's the hotspot. Standing stones, dolmens, passage mounts, all of these on the face of the earth, mark these unique places of the spirit where you go and connect. And I think they had the foresight to see into the future in the 21st century where they would say, you know, these people are going to be distracted by social media and smartphones and all that rubbish. And they're going to go shopping and they won't know.

what's happening around them. And if you lose track of nature, you're gonna be subordinate to nature and nature needs to evolve. And we're in the middle of huge changes right now, huge catastrophes upon us. And most people are not aware and unprepared. And we've been through this before 11 times in the last 10 ,000 years, nothing new. But the ones who are prepared would be the ones who go, you know, overcome the challenges that are upon us. So there's a real practical thing as to why they built these temples where they are to get us to go to them.

when we recognize that we can't feel this stuff. And as you quoted quite rightly in Egypt, you go into these special rooms, you know, and I have this trick where I tell people, I'm not going to tell you what's in these rooms. I want to remind you of why you came on this trip and just walk past these rooms and one of them will hear you and you'll be drawn into one of those rooms and tell me about it later. And then they'll say, yeah, I went into this room and I connected with this, this, this and this. And then I'll say, well, do you realize that that room is actually about

this, this and this. And they go, that's exactly what I'm looking for. Yeah. But your brain wasn't engaged. You see, it wasn't judging your body knew exactly where it was going and the room because it's a living organism said, hey, come in here. I've got exactly what you need. And that's when the magic takes place.

Julie Suen (16:48)


Magical. That's something, you know, that's got something to do with it. So share with us, what's one of your most profound experiences with the portal?

freddy silva (17:07)
I think that's why people at the tools are selling out in 50 seconds.

It's quite something isn't it?

I think it goes back to the time when I was learning all this stuff about 30 years ago, and I didn't think any of this was possible. I mean, I do believe in magic and the miraculous, but again, being stuck in the commercial world, I didn't think that going into a pyramid or a Stonehenge or anything like that would sort of anything would happen. And of course, one of my first experiences was going into the Great Pyramid with a group I work with in England. We go around doing what I call spiritual terrorism.

we go around the temples cleaning up the mess that people leave behind. Because if you take your problems to these places, the stones remember everything. They're electromagnetic and they're piezoelectric. So if you put in a bad intention in there or pain or anything, the stone will just remember everything. We have to clear it up. So in total darkness, four of us actually saw the guardians of the building coming out of the stones surrounding us. And I know people on the tours have seen them as well on occasion.

And it depends on the group energy as to what happens. It's always different. And also at Stonehenge, I was given a flaming sword of light, which I had no idea what that was about until someone else that does know said, if that's what you got at Stonehenge on your first visit, your life, as you know, is over. And I thought, please come on. It's all woo woo talk. Well, my 14 year marriage goes out the window. I lose my house, my car, my cats, my friends. And here I am on this journey because,

That's what I was meant to do all along. It literally just short -circuited everything. My passion just drove it. I've had tons of experiences and I outline quite a few of them in the book because it helps people validate what they've had as well. There's a particular place in Scotland, it's a stone circle on the Isle of Lewis called Cianhullvig and I'm hoping I'm pronouncing that one correctly.

It's still intact and it's called, it's an old Armenian name by the way, it means the place of seeing or the room of seeing. And it was all associated with people having out of body journeys. And every one that I take there without me uttering a word, they can't leave because they've already gone into a parallel reality. And I was in there for the first time, not knowing about this information, downloaded all this information and then spent a year researching it and came up with a book about.

the origin of Scotland's sacred past. So for me, it's actually very useful because that's what I want to do. I want to be a better teacher. So that's my intention. So you see how it amplifies the experience amplifies what I'm looking for. And it gives me the information and then I have to go research it. So it's a two way conduit. So those are some of the more sort of interesting ones, strange ones. And there are other ones, but we'll probably be here for hours.

Julie Suen (20:04)
Yeah, I do know that you write about the green man in this book and I'm just curious, can you share a little bit about what the significance of the green man is?

freddy silva (20:15)
it's a bit of a comical thing because when the church was taking over Europe and people were not going to church because they didn't believe this nonsense about some guy getting nailed to a cross, blah, blah, blah. They heard about this story. It goes back to Japan in 8 ,000 BC, the idea of living resurrection, but it was a metaphor. No one ever physically got nailed to a cross and the idea was stolen from the story of Krishna.

and the story of Jesus and Krishna shares about 360 analogies between the two stories. So you know there's something going on here. So the locals didn't buy this idea. So they were being forced into church and the church was destroying the stone circles and the dolmens and everything. So people forgot where these places were. And in some cases, the buildings incorporated the structures themselves. So the stonemasons popped in and said, hey,

For people who don't really know where to go and they're not getting that tingly -wingly, we're going to put these symbols on columns and above doors and in the corners of rooms with this guy with vegetation coming out of his mouth and out of his nostrils and ears. And he basically represents the god Pan, the fertility god of nature, who goes into the underworld on the 21st of December, stays there for three days. He marries a divine bride, in this case, the Earth Mother.

and then resurrect from the dead on the 25th and the earth suddenly becomes resurgent with life. So they knew that when they stood under this symbol in a church in Europe, and it's predominantly in Europe, although the symbol also appears in Persia, they knew that they were getting that tingly -wingly feeling that there was something about the energy of that spot that if they stood there, it will go right through them like a column. When the church finally realized what was happening,

as about 200 years too late, the word was out. And they found out that there was more images of the green man in churches than there were of Jesus. So they got a bit flustered. So they forbade the use of the green man. So the stonemasons changed their idea and they began to carve dragons and serpents in the buildings instead, because that essentially is what the energy looks like to the invisible eye.

Julie Suen (22:07)
Thank you.

freddy silva (22:29)
they meander like serpents. They coil and they move in spiral patterns. So the serpent energy is essentially how nature really works. So if you stand under the symbol of the serpent in a church, that's what you're gonna get. So it's wonderful theater, but at the same time, it's very educational.

Julie Suen (22:49)
Yes, and that movement is the Li lines as well, right? The energy lines that's in the earth.

freddy silva (22:55)
Well, the lay lines are actually geometric alignments between temples. They have nothing to do with energy whatsoever. I don't know who came up with this idea of the two overlapping. It's confusing people to know. And I probably should write a book about that because, yeah, the Toleric currents is what they're called or scan as they sue called them. Those are the meandering lines. But when you get temples, let's say three or more temples that share a similar purpose or age or function,

and you can connect them by a straight line, that is a lay line, that's a geometric alignment. And that's also true, but it forms a different function.

Julie Suen (23:32)
So fascinating. You mentioned earlier  the laws of physics actually behave differently when you're in a portal. Can you just go a little bit into that?

freddy silva (23:42)
Yeah, we now have the technology to find out what this is all about. So mystics have been saying, yeah, the energy and tiller recurrence and scan and increase centers is what the Native Americans call it. So there were these groups of scientists that went into these stone circles in Britain to find out what is this all about. And they actually picked up that at dawn, get this, they actually put electrodes around Avebury, the world's biggest stone circle and Stonehenge. Could you imagine?

hundreds of electrodes everywhere. And they linked it to a computer and they found that the Earth's energy field goes to sleep at night. And just before dawn, something miraculous happens. All the energy on the surrounding landscape is attracted to the ditches around these stone circles. And it concentrates like a big ring, almost like a particle collider. And then the moment that the sun creeps above the horizon when the Earth's electromagnetic field is at its highest,

Julie Suen (24:14)

freddy silva (24:41)
This gate, this portal, literally opens at the mouth of Stonehenge and the energy shoots into the site at double the frequency of the surrounding land. That's what they were talking about. The fact that these sites accentuate the energy and double it. So this is why people like going to places like that to do morning ritual. And also they've also measured, there was one famous experiment at a stone circle in Oxfordshire where they actually dragged this metal plate across the stone circle.

It's a magnetometer. And basically you're hitting it as you're going along and it sends shock waves into the ground and whatever comes back up as a signal gets transferred to the computer. Well, as they're walking around the stone circle, the computer is printing out this spiral of energy that goes into the entrance of the stone circle and it goes around and around and around like a spiral and in the center it goes right into the center of the Earth. So the next time you read Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and the rabbit hole,

That's exactly what he was talking about. He just couldn't talk about it in Christian terms. So he was getting away with murder. So we finally have the means which to describe exactly what's going on. The fact that the electromagnetic field is subtly altered to get you to stop thinking and get you start feeling at these places.

Julie Suen (25:43)

that's so beautiful. I was just at the 8th Berry Circle three weeks ago. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, and, that's right. That's right. Anyways, that's also another story. Finally, I feel like we can wrap up with this question. We kind of dive into how portals are sacred places. I like to ask you, do you believe that all sacred places are

freddy silva (26:03)
really? My old home?

Julie Suen (26:27)
portals? And also, are portals necessarily places or are they also within us?

freddy silva (26:36)
they're very much within us. In fact, if you look at Indians and anybody working in Northern or Southern India, especially the Rishi, they'll say, yeah, you don't need the temples. You are the temple. The temple is already in here. Even Jesus said it. The temple of God is inside you. And they said, we can demonstrate this by something called Kriya Yoga. And if you do it properly, and they'll claim that only in India do you find people who know what the hell they're doing. They don't trust the Westerners in this matter, and I don't blame them.

Yeah, you go back to the source of where these things were. Why not? And they said, no, you can actually manipulate your own energy field in a certain prescribed way, which usually takes about a year of really concentrating your efforts and going within. And you spin your Merkabah inside your own energy field and you create your own effect. So you don't need a physical temple. And the Egyptians said the same thing. I mean, they wrote on the back of the temple of Adfu and I quote,

We will continue building temples until people discover they are the temple. So you can imagine two priests sitting at the door of Edfu, you know, having a cigarette and looking around going, you know, how are we doing? I don't know, human consciousness still a little bit iffy. I know, let's build another temple to remind them. So I think you have a bit of fun at our expense, but they're absolutely right. And everywhere you go on the planet without exception, and we've known this for a long, long time,

Julie Suen (27:49)

freddy silva (27:56)
Every sacred space, every temple, every standing stone, every dolmen is built on a hotspot of energy, with that exception. So yes, by definition, every temple is a portal in itself, and there are specific places where you find this energy more than others. And it tends to be the altar, or the holier holies, or a specific place where certain iconography is pointing in the right direction. And again, if you walk in not thinking about it, and just feel the way through,

You know there's something different about certain rooms and you just want to hang out there and you don't want to leave until I drag you out of course because you've got a plane to catch. But that's how it works. The places literally are giving physical expression to an invisible force that you otherwise would not see.

Julie Suen (28:30)

Yeah, I felt all of that as you're speaking. And it's like these places are igniting the portal within and strengthening and enhancing. And then we're just carrying this portal everywhere we go. We carry to the supermarket, you know, to the gas station so that we're spreading the magic to everybody else. So thank you. Right. Yeah.

freddy silva (29:01)
Well, I have one in my living room. My building used to be on an Abenaki sacred site. So that's why I attract some strange people here and why I got attracted to the building as well. And dogs are coming to the building, they'll go straight to that little spot because they can sense it. They know there's something different and they'll go sniff, sniff, sniff. I like it here. And they lie down, you know, it's like, yep, they know exactly what's going on.

So yeah, they're everywhere. And I was having a conversation with someone else yesterday about Manhattan. And they said, well, it would be great to have one of these in Manhattan. I said, yeah, go to Central Park. Just behind the Metropolitan Museum, there's a big obelisk that was borrowed from Egypt. And that was put there by the Scottish right Freemasons who knew what the hell they were doing. And they put that on the hotspot that comes out of Central Park. And there's another glacial erratic on the.

middle edge of Central Park with all the scrapings, all the stones that were dragged there during the Ice Age. And the first time I went there, I thought, that's, I haven't felt like this since I was at Stonehenge. And I sat there and I thought, okay, this is why this is here. And you're away with the ferry. So yeah, just because we have a lot of urban centers doesn't mean that they've gone away. Sometimes even a favorite coffee shop will also be on a portal.

because the owners, I'm actually talking when I live here in Portland, one of the owners that I know very well, she actually comes to a lot of my lectures and she's clued in and I said, did you choose that building because it was financially viable or because it was beautiful or because of something else? She goes, the first two, but certainly the third one, because I knew there's something about the building that was different. I said, yeah, it's on a hotspot of energy. That's why I like going there rather than other coffee places.

And the coffee is pretty good as well, but she picked up on it. So just because you have urban centers doesn't mean these things have gone away. And again, it just requires mindfulness. If you're more mindful of your environment and your body will pick up what it needs for its own greater good.

Julie Suen (31:07)
Perfect reminder. Well, such an honor. I'm so grateful to be with you, Freddie. And I just want to add that your new documentary, The Hidden Side of Egypt, is amazing.

freddy silva (31:20)
Well, thank you very much. I'm actually finally happy with something I've done. I'm a notorious perfectionist. So I actually strung Gaia long for several years and said, I got an original idea about Egypt in a way that's never been done before. what is it? We'll buy it. it's safely locked up in my head, which is the euphemism for a writer to say, I have no bloody idea what to do. And it was one day when I was waiting for you guys to show up at the hotel. I went off for a little walk by myself away from everybody into the desert. And I went,

Julie Suen (31:26)

freddy silva (31:50)
what's this all about? And someone just dropped this idea into my head and I went, that's a really good angle for the documentary. Thank you. So the management was helping me out on this. And yeah, you see it from a different point of view. So yeah, I'm very happy with it. And the response so far has been exceptional. So thank you, everybody.

Julie Suen (32:09)
Yeah, so the focus of that, a big focus of that is the Shining Ones, like you call them in that documentary. And I know that you also talk about them in this book, Portals. So everybody, today's the release day, it's summer solstice, get the book. It's really going to be transformative. Thank you again, Freddie. And I hope to chat with you again soon.

freddy silva (32:14)

Thank you, Julie.

Yeah, good to see you again.

Julie Suen (32:34)
Good to see you.